Meged and Ovcharov

Valentina Meged and Anatoliy Ovcharov are socionists from Kiev, Ukraine and a married couple (IEE and SLI, respectively). They are known in the English socionics community for their subtype descriptions. Their views used to be quite mainstream, but since the mid-90s their typing paradigm has shifted dramatically, perhaps as a result of their close collaboration with Viktor Gulenko, whose views changed at this time also. In particular, since then they have changed many of their typings of famous people to the point that virtually all of them are either EIE or ILE. They have built a theory to support this, saying that these two types are most critical to societal progress the ILE for technical progress and the EIE for humanitarian progress. The EIE is the next type down the ring of benefit from ILE. Many types they now see as being too meek to compete in the rough-and-tumble world of public life. Also, their view that all acting requires strong , and thus most actors are EIEs, has been strongly criticized by other socionists. Today Meged and Ovcharov have lost much influence in the socionics community.

About their first introduction to socionics: “We were first introduced to it on a lecture delivered by Igor Weisband in Kiev House of Scientists, where we were invited by a mutual friend, and then continued in the club Socionics in Kiev House of Teachers in the beginning of 1988. There we attended classes held by Victor Gulenko and Alexander Bukalov.”

Valentina Meged

Psychologist. The author of typology that reinterprets 32, 64, and 256 variants of types with new inherent forms of relations and attitudes; created a functional role model of social development (model “M”); currently working on a model of socially adequate development of society (model OM); originator of the concepts of target triads of socioprogress and target production dyads, concepts of adequate parenting, and others. Personality type: Huxley (IEE)


  • Born 09.11.1951 in Kiev.

  • Graduated from the State University of Taras Shevchenko, majoring in sociology and psychology and Moscow ZGL, deparment of practical psychology of creativity.

  • In 1998 - 2005 - Center for Applied Psychology psychologist “Karvan”, Kiev, psychologist.

  • In 1999 - 2000 - Institute of Social and Political Psychology of Sciences of Ukraine, at the Laboratory of Psychology of Organization and Masses, Kiev.

  • In 1996 - 1999 - Academy of Municipal Management, Kiev, psychologist.

  • In 1993 -1996 - Development Fund under the State Administration of Socionics Moscow district, vice-president and leading expert.

  • In 1990-1993 - Co-creative association “Spline”, Training and Advisory Centre “Intensive”, Kiev, counselor.

Anatoliy Ovcharov

Sociologist. Defended sociological thesis (1999) on the topic of social organizations, types of management, and leadership styles. Continuation of this theme was creation of a model of the evolution of society at different historical stages of its development. Wrote several works on socionics and three books (two of them co-authored with V. Meged) on issues related to pedagogy , professional application of types, and management. Personality type: Gabin (SLI)


  • Born in Kursk region May 11, 1952.

  • As of 1970-1976 studied at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. He trained as an industrial engineer - designer of electronic equipment. From 1970 to 1991 he worked in the specialty.

  • Since 1991, after studying at the Moscow liberal arts college he worked as a teacher, practitioner, consultant psychologist, researcher at the government, public and private organizations.

  • In 1999 he defended his thesis on the sociology of “social efficiency of organizations in a changing society” and received the degree of candidate of sociological sciences.

  • From 2001 to 2006, Deputy Director of “Malva” HR.

  • Since January 2008, senior researcher of social-psychological methodologies Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.

  • On 1.09.2011, the assistant professor of psychology at the Pedagogical Institute Kiev University in name of Boris Grinchenko.