Carefree and farsighted¶
Carefree / Farsighted, also called Incidental / Cautious, is one of the 15 Reinin dichotomies.
Carefree and farsighted types¶
Typical characteristics¶
Carefree types¶
Inclined to solve problems by primarily using that information which is ‘at hand’. Accordingly, their solutions are likely to be particular to that situation.
The search for the solution is implied in the answer.
You cannot prepare for everything.
Farsighted types¶
Inclined to solve problems by primarily using that information which they possess through knowledge and experience. Accordingly, their solutions are likely to be of a general nature.
The search for the solution is explicit in the answer.
It is best to prepare in advance.
Extended characteristics¶
Taken from 2003 study of Reinin traits <reinin_study>.
Careless types are inclined to solve a problem and search for a solution using only that information which is accessible to them in that given situation (for example, under the conditions of a given task). Therefore, careless types for each new task make a new “algorithm” to fit the given task.
In giving their answer to the problem posed, the context of searching for the answer and solving the problem (the preparation stage, collection of information, past experience, and so on) is not mentioned, but rather it is silently “implied”.
When speaking, careless types often use the word “anticipate” as a general concept; usually they mean that it is “needed”, “it would be good” or that “it is “impossible” to “anticipate everything”.
When solving problems farsighted types “scoop” the information from a wide “pool” of their experiences (when considering a question, they are inclined to refer to the entirely of their experience and knowledge in an attempt to find an answer). Farsighted types are inclined to use already prepared, accumulated methods (algorithms) for solving problems.
When answering a question posed, they cover a wide context: they mention the preliminary stage of their search for the answer, the circumstance surrounding this search, the information that was available.
When speaking, farsighted type rarely use the word “anticipate” as a general concept, but when they describe some actions or plans they demonstrate this concept through concrete examples (they give examples of how something could be anticipated).
On a topic: how will you prepare for a vacation and how will you spend it.
Carefree: “I try to make do with the minimum amount of “stuff” so I won’t have a lot of baggage. You cannot prepare for everything” “I will for sure forget something. I’ll pack some clothing, an umbrella, books, maps, a camera, medicine. I will for sure bring books; entertainment will be found as I go along, a lot of things I’ll find out there” “I bring along a minimum of what I need in order to have a good time. Personal hygiene items, medicines, some clothing which is necessary. Common entertainment can’t be foreseen” “Things in bare minimum. I’ll buy adequate footwear, a new bathing suit, plan some trips and excursions” “One tries to anticipate every situation that could happen. But I cannot prepare for everything that might be needed there” “Clothing and medicine and other stuff that is necessary to cover “weak spots”. With leisure and entertainment I’ll see on the spot… Certain things are assumed by default”.
Farsighted: “Two things I’ll bring for sure: a bathing suit and a camera. You can’t always be certain what things will be there, so it’s better to prepare in advanceor it will be like my first trip to Italy when I brought along a hair dryer and an iron when the hotel there could’ve provide me with each… Nonetheless I’ll need batteries and film for the camera, which can be prepared beforehand” “A trip is a trip, not the first time for me. The familiar activity, I know what I need to bring. It is needed to learn at least a little bit of the local language. A lot of time will go into trying to obtain information” “Before departure I always pay my bills so that when I come back there will be no “nasty” surprises awaiting me… I first find out what the weather there will be like. It is better to buy all the necessities beforehand, because going shopping on a trip is an unproductive expenditure of time that should go into leisure activities” “It is necessary to get a passport with a visa and insurance. To decide what to do with the cat” “The tour agency is responsible for many things, should provide me with information. If not, I will look for additional cultural information… I’ve worked out a habit, a set of items that I should bring along” “If it’s a coat, then it must be sown by a tailor” “Why?” “Well I presume…” (pause).” : “These buttons are same as on the remote control that I have at home, it won’t change the channel” : “Let me take a look at it” : “Why attempt this in vain?”
Theoretical properties of carefree and farsighted types¶
Carefree/farsighted corresponds with the evaluatory/ situational dichotomy for irrational information elements.
The carefree types have evaluatory
and situational
The farsighted types have evaluatory
and situational