LII by Stratiyevskaya
By Vera Stratievskaya. Reference: Socionics from Stratievskaya.
LII type descriptions main page.
Stratievskaya descriptions | |||||||
Alpha Quadra: | ILE | SEI | ESE | LII | |||
Beta Quadra: | SLE | IEI | EIE | LSI | |||
Gamma Quadra: | SEE | ILI | LIE | ESI | |||
Delta Quadra: | IEE | SLI | LSE | EII |
Contents |
Ego block
1st Function - Ti
Introverted logic
"Fairness - is my calling, my occupation." The INTj (LII) is always a passionate fighter for fairness. He considers that everything in this world must be logical, and, therefore - just and fair. The LII often contemplates on the topic of creation of a fair society, about the establishment of a form of governance which must start its existence from putting severe penalties on all those who conduct themselves unfairly, that is, those who violate the very principles of fairness. (The idea of the "Judgement Day".)
Any of the representatives of this type shares the notion expressed in the U.S. Declaration of Independence: "... that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."
The INTj by his nature is deeply democratic. Democracy the LII understands as the freedom in possibilities of choice. He considers that a society can expect a person to hold full responsibility for his or her actions only when each member of the society obtains full freedom in choosing how to act and behave.
The INTj considers that order and discipline in a society much be founded not on fear but on conscience. Thus he views any punishment of a "violator" as an education of his conscience, i.e. something done for that person's own good. The LII usually holds the view that any penalty or punishment is effective only when the person realizes and acknowledges his own fault.
The INTj tries to choose methods of disciplinary influence with intelligence and purpose. Usually his punishment includes an educational element: the guilty person must be shown and proven his fault. The LII constructs the proof of his fault so logically and clearly that it is difficult to object and argue with him. (In part because all of LII's proofs, in their essence, come down to ideational notions of the "highest justice" and the "objective truth", while persuading him otherwise or proving to him that his ideas - are only abstract notions, by which it's impossible to evaluate concrete real life circumstances and conditions, is impossible, since such a point of view in his opinion would lead to disarray and chaos, which he considers to be dangerous to society.)
The LII always has to prove his rightness. He doesn't like to persuade, and particularly - to ask, plead, or request.
The LII makes increasing demands of others only when he can meet them himself.
"I think - therefore, I am." By nature the LII has been endowed with strongly developed logic and an aptitude for analytical thinking. He likes to think about different models, structures, schemes, and classifications. In any phenomena and events, he searches and finds the original causes of present contradictions and illogicalities.
The LII strives for logical harmony and logical order.
The main demand of LII's logical program - is objective truth, the criterion which considers not so much practice as the wholesomeness and logical consistency. "Truth - is a whole." (Hegel)
All common and ethical situations the LII examines from the point of view of logic. Moreover, the LII dismisses any extraneous in his view details, paying more attention to the main general regularities ("global logic").**
[**Editor's note: This is conditioned by LII's particular form of thinking.]
The LII has a highly developed sense of fairness. Protecting people who were treated unfairly, the LII frequently disregards his own safety and benefit. Out of considerations of protection of fairness, he can turn down a brilliant professional career and switch to social activities (example of academic A. D. Saharov).
The LII is inclined to place the interests of truth and fairness above his own interests and the interests of his family.
In making decisions, the LII first of all considers his own conscience and is least of all inclined to be dependent on another's opinion and authorities acknowledged in society.
Adopting any idea, the LII becomes its constant and loyal supporter and serves it in the most fanatical manner: he subordinates his thoughts and actions to this idea, as well as his lifestyle. In such case, the LII is least inclined to consider public opinion. If, as a result of fighting for his idea, the LII finds himself in conditions where his idea coincides the predominant opinions in society (for example, a LII dissident finally ends up in "free country"), he feels certain disappointment due to having to live like everyone else.
The LII feels somewhat empty when the element of "struggle for an idea" is absent from his life. The state of fighting and struggling becomes too natural for him and needed as a norm of life. In this case the LII gets ready to search for a new progressive idea that can "improve" society. Even if the new idea is not as extensive and grandiose as the previous one, and does not demand as much self-renunciation, the LII is content to use it to fill in the formed emptiness. The LII, however, does not get boggled by minor "toying" ideas. If he doesn't find a sufficiently large scale idea, he allows himself to live "like everyone else".
The LII is frequently socially and politically active (a quality that is inherent to all representatives of first and second quadra). He is always moved by problems of society in which he lives, concerned and worries by social-humanitarian problems of his surroundings.
The LII is usually unwavering in his conclusions. He is confident in that which is logical cannot be bad.
"Knowledge will save the world." The LII specializes not so much in broadening the extent of human knowledge, as in deepening it.
He is often in the state of searching and researching new information. Pays attention to the credibility and authenticity of information. If he needs to know something important, he prefers not to ask other people but seek references in books, articles, research papers, timetables, graphics, etc. He avoids referencing questionable, dubious information.
"Providence has created me for quiet office work" (Thomas Jefferson). Interaction with a book is sometimes more pleasant for an LII than interacting with his friends.
2nd Function - Ne
Extraverted intuition
The logical "program" of LII gets realized by means of the search for possibilities, that will adapt specific concretely existing conditions to a certain abstract project. Acting as the creator of the project of absolute fairness and the creator of the theory of objective truth, in each specific concrete situation, the LII searches for possibilities for implementing his logical "program". It is possible to create the ideal logical order if ... further, a list of conditions is given, that need to be artificially created in the environment, and to which other members needs to be "pulled up".
Generating his social ideas, the LII abstracts from particular circumstances, thinking that they could possibly be changed and adjusted. As a result, his idealized notions collide with the real, concretely existing social conditions, and frequently become realized only in a distorted, partial, and sometimes perverted form (if ever). LII's social ideas are the more successfully realized, the fewer there are contradictions between his notions and the actual existing social conditions. As history demonstrates: the higher the level of material prosperity of a society, the easier it becomes to introduce (LII's) ideas of universal equality and fairness. (As an example, it is possible to compare "LII socialism" of the times of the French revolution and the period of "military communism" in Russia with the socialism adopted in Sweden, that to present day can be considered to be exemplary in adaptation and realization of LII's social theories.)
The logical "program" of LII is the more successfully realized, the more successful is the search for possibilities in each particular situation. This is achieved through the flexibility and manipulativeness of LII's "intuition of possibilities", which creatively uses such "tools" as the "method of individual approach" and the "method of the leveling off of the possibilities", which come down to the coordination of individual possibilities. The weak "pulls himself up" to match the strong, "the last one will be the first one", "one who was a nobody will become everything". Meanwhile, the possibilities of the strong, in turn, are curbed and limited so much, that they become accessible to the weak. As a result of this coordination, the society turns into a social system in which "in bright colors blossoms mediocrity": there are no clearly expressed contradictions and seldom any brightly expressed individualities.
The LII always coordinates possibilities of his society relative to his own notions about "fairness" and "objective truth". For this reason, both of these notions acquire deeply personal, subjective coloration for him. In this manner, one representative of this type will consider it necessary to give his children a broad, all-comprehensive education (not worse than others get), and thus provide for them enough possibilities to find their place in life. Another representative of this type will consider it necessary to supply every member of his family with a car and a place to live, but will consider extensive education for his children to be a prohibitive luxury, and on top of that he will judge his "identical" neighbor for expending his last money on his children's education.
Each representative of this type has his own, subjective understanding of what constitutes the "norm" and what is "luxury", which gets formed under the influence of their upbringing and life experiences, and in relation to which the LII coordinates the distribution of possibilities and material benefits for both himself and for people around him.
"Each person educates himself" - the LII usually devotes serious attention to the development of personal abilities. As a rule, he does so taking into account possible realistic applications of these abilities. For example, if a person gets training for a new practical occupation, the LII only welcomes this. However, if a person in a mature age spends his last money on receiving education in art and music, such behavior to the LII seems, to put it mildly, frivolous and light-minded.
Usually the LII sufficiently accurately evaluates objective conditions of each concrete situation, as well as estimates the individual possibilities of each person. The LII knows how to calculate objective and subjective chances based on his estimation of the situation, and thus he always knows what is "coming" to whom and under which conditions.
The LII knows wonderfully well how to estimate his own possibilities and capabilities. If suitable conditions for the application of his abilities aren't present, and there is no possibility to influence them (no foreseeable revolutions coming in the near future), the LII waits for more favorable circumstances, or tries to adapt his own personal abilities and possibilities to the existing objective conditions. In any event, the LII usually doesn't allow himself to complain on the topic of his own back luck and lack of success, although he might envy the unfair, in his view, success of another person.
It can analyze the experience of its own failures, but he tries not to recognize them opened. (quality, characteristic of many intuitam. Its sense consists in not dragging after itself the load of previous failures, this interfere withs future success, it understates the self-appraisal of man, "kompleksuyet" it.)
The LII can analyze the experience of his own failures, but he tries not to admit them openly. (This quality is characteristic of many intuitive types. Its purpose is to not "drag around" with oneself the heavy weight of previous failures, as this interferes with future potential success and decreases self-esteem of the person, makes him insecure.) To his own failures and life problems the LII relates "philosophically".
Representatives of this type usually consider that besides the already known conditions and circumstances, besides the already visible laws and regularities, there are hidden, invisible laws and patterns that exist in the world, that together with the already known natural laws constitute one whole. The LII is capable of seeing these general regularities and rules behind distinct concrete facts.
Super-ego block
3rd Function - Fi
Introverted ethics
In communication and social interaction the INTj is a sufficiently responsive, polite, and well-wishing person. He tries to be correct and civil with everyone, without exceptions. This he perceives as an ethical norm or standard, that is necessary to uphold for others and for himself. The INTj tries not to meddle with anybody and create additional problems. He protects his own rights, as well as the rights of others.
The INTj shields himself from inconvenient and uncomfortable to him relations. To unpleasant social interaction he rather prefers pleasant, intellectually filling solitude. In communication he is straightforward and plain, does not like conditionalities and ceremoniousness. If someone doesn't have his sympathy, he does not consider it necessary to hide this. He won't suffer forced socialization and "visits of politeness": for this he values his time and his emotional efforts too highly. Dislikes it when someone forcefully attempts to make him a friend.
The INTj is very sensitive of any manifestations of falsity and hypocrisy (this he can figure out logically and pick up on intuitively) - with such people he is rather cold and immediately sets a large distance.
The INTj remembers offenses and transgression very keenly, as well as any manifestations of tactlessness and injustice with respect to himself or other people.
It is sufficiently difficult for the INTj to shape his own personal and ethical relations. He finds it difficult to understand the personal and ethical contents of a situation beyond the level of what normative ethics of behavior prescribe. The concept of "ethically" he often substitutes with the notions of "fairly and justly", and then, fighting for "fair ethics", he frequently falls into extremely unethical situations. For example, nobody would doubt that to "reproach a person by a piece of bread" is unethical and immoral, but it is also possible to view this as an attempt to restore fairness. (Why give someone a possibility to be a parasite?!)
The INTj frequently attempts to equate these two concepts, abstracting away from such "ethical conditions" as having a personal right to good service, for which it is possible to expect a reciprocal service, but impossible to demand it. Raising "objective fairness" into the realm of ethical standards, the INTj gets detached from the notion of having personal ethical rights, but insists on fulfillment of ethical obligations.
A good service, in INTj's understanding, must be rewarded appropriately, otherwise it is unfair and unjust. (For example, one representatives of this type, who worked at a small business, allegedly, on behalf of all employees, asked for the holiday bonus to be paid out not in form of small and cheap gifts, but in the form of solid money rewards, as is done in large companies: "How are we worse than others? Why do others get money rewards for their holidays, and we gets caramel candy and domestic pastries?! Is this really fair?!")
It is characteristic of INTj to not allow for any emotional and ethical concessions, if he himself, and, equally, anyone else, is being treated unjustly. If, after all his efforts, the INTj does not succeed in restoring justice under conditions of blatant violations of it, he will try to leave the situation with minimal losses for himself: in some cases, he independently compensates the damage that he perceives was done to him - he out of his own volition takes away that to which he thinks he has a right. ("A jungle is a jungle!")
In situations when it's not possible for him to take a "compensation" by his own means, the INTj can openly demand for compensation of his losses, since under no circumstances does he intend to suffer these. For this very reason, the INTj frequently interchanges the concepts of material damanges and moral personal damages and substitutes them for each another. An example: a group of students gathered equal amounts of money for everyone to purchase so food that was shared. A girl of type INTj evaluated that the appetite of her companions was greater than hers, and, feeling herself to be materially (and morally) slighted, she asked to be compensated for her "over-payment" into the general fund, on basis of the fact that she doesn't drink alcoholic drinks, and in general does not eat meat or pastries. As a result, this girl was left behind by the company of young people, while she didn't understand why this has happened to her.
Of course, the ethicalness and appropriateness of INTj's behavior depends in many respects on his or her upbringing, the mentality and ethical values instilled in him or her, to which this person was psychologically oriented. But the INTj is also oriented at the ethics of his dual, the ESFj, which is based exactly on the principles of ethical fairness (since it is oriented at reception by his dual), and, first of all it, checks for the fairness in distribution of opportunities, since being endowed by equal rights it should not be possible to abuse unequal opportunities - roughly speaking: the one who can eat fast is obligated to consider the capabilities of the one who eats slowly. Otherwise the society will start to live by "the law of the jungle" and this needs to be avoided.
The INTj will never permit himself to be the first to abuse his own possibilities and capabilities - this contradicts his logical program. The INTj considers is unethical to abuse not only individual possibilities, but also individual rights, even if they, as it would seem, were distributed equally and fairly for all: "We had to change our apartment because of this "musical" family. Of course, it's their right to play from morning until night, but we also want to live quietly!.. Don't our children also need to be able to get up in time?!"
We should note to the honor of the INTj that while resolving his or her own problems, he or she always considers the rights and conveniences of others.
On basis of his ethical considerations, the INTj controls and checks the valid (equal) distribution of material goods for all members of society without exception. For example, if his family is raising adopted children alongside their own, they are endowed with exactly the same rights and responsibilities as his own biological children ("... My sister and I arranged a picnic for the children: all food was divided equally - everyone got two cutlets and one pastry. So then, for my nephew one pastry seemed to be too little, and he demanded another one, and, on top of that, he also threw a tantrum! ...")
In any ethical situation, the INTj relies on principles that are based on mutual respect, comparison and commensuration of his own rights with the rights and possibilities of people around him. And for this very reason, the best partner for INTj is his dual ESFj, whose ethics of relations is based on the same set of ethical principles. For this very reason, the ESFj - is the only one of ethical types whom the INTj can completely trust, with whom he does not feel himself slighted and passed by in any shape or form, diminished in his rights, or otherwise treated unfairly. With representatives of other sociotypes the INTj does not find complete mutual understanding in this.
4th Function - Se
Extraverted sensing
The LII does not tolerate any manifestations of abuse and arbitrariness, since he considers these to be the origin of unfairness and injustice and, consequently, the original cause of all misfortunes and evils.
Being the intolerant opposer of any unfair, in his opinion, and based on abusive force dictatorships, the LII tries to instill everywhere his own "dictatorship of fairness", that is based on raising the quality of "ethically fair" self-awareness. Abusive force in such a dictatorship is applied only to those who are unable for some reason to bring up this quality in themselves, that is, only towards the "predators".
The LII considers that volitional influence is justifiable if it is just and fair.
The LII condemns any abuses of power, force, and influence. He does not tolerate crude pressuring, authoritativeness, and commanding tone and resists any attempts at forceful influence - both volitional and ethical.
The LII is critical of any methods of crude and petty influencing. It is impossible to subordinate him to volitional pressure. Any attempt to pressure him inevitably leads to a conflict. The LII does not yield to crude force even if it presents a threat to him life. He won't allow to humiliate himself, to be "taken by his throat" - better he will die.
The LII won't allow for others to encroach on his rights - he immediately demonstratively resists this (as a kind of preventive measure).
The LII not only does not tolerate and endure volitional pressuring, but he also tries to safeguard himself from any forceful actions. While at this, the measures the LIIs undertakes to shield and protect himself often exceed the measure of influence exerted on him. For example, the LII may refuse to help with a minor service simply because he assumes that such service may become a part of the "system of relations", and then his acquiescence and concession will become the norm of behavior for everyone else, and this will be unfair towards him.
Protection of his territorial rights is also an important issue for the LII. The LII is ready to look however inhospitable, impolite, unfriendly, and inconsiderate, but he won't allow a stranger to enter into his house with his "trunk forward". The LII is wary of any uninvited and unwanted visitors, because they "steal" his time, his resources, his space and infringe on his personal freedom.
The LII feels himself defenseless in situations of sudden volitional pressure that he hasn't been able to foresee and account for. In such cases, the LII often acts in an excessively and unjustifiably yielding manner, which he analyzes regretfully later on and tries to hence forth be more farsighted and prudent, and not repeat the same mistake.
The LII fears giving any precedent or reason for volitional action towards himself; therefore he sometimes looks a person without any weaknesses ("Iron Felix"). Dislikes when someone else plays on his weaknesses. Cannot tolerant wimps, complainers, does not allow to evoke pity in himself (the LII dislikes "cheap" emotional tricks).
The LII does not allow himself to show force towards a weaker person. He tries to influence by words and by persuasion. Physical punishment is used only as the most extreme measure.
For LII it is difficult to talk in a commanding tone. Imperious intonations are not characteristic of him. Although, if he loses his temper and flares up, he may say unduly sharp and harsh things.
He does not tremble before his bosses and supervisors, but holds himself with dignity and does not fawn before them. ("Glad to serve, but not to be of service.") If someone raises his voice at him, he immediately "tunes out" and "disconnects". Often an impression arises that he doesn't even react to the charges that are presented to him.
The LII demonstratively ignores intrusive advice and moralizations. He especially fears and dislikes those who "always know how things should be".
To robesp'eru it is very difficult to insist on its, it is difficult to be energetic - he too knows well that this is not its method. It is always unpleasant to demonstrate its authority, will, resoluteness. To be pushy for itself does not make possible never and greatly it loves this quality in others. Usually experiences awkwardness every time that its volitional qualities are discussed by outside people.
As a rule, he tries to avoid conversations on this theme. Fight for its rights requires of Robesp'era of a constant overvoltage of forces, what in turn frequently leads it to the physical overstrain - state, which to it is very unpleasant and which he tries not to allow. The regime of its loads is regulated: he tries to calculate his forces and possibilities, it resists overloads, feeling the decline of forces, he tries to in proper time rest (instinct of self-preservation).
Robesp'er resists even the oversaturated entertaining program. In the case, when the partner Of robesp'era becomes his dual of Hugo, problem of overloads, overvoltage, volitional pressure, volitional protection they are solved by very naturally: Hugo charges Robesp'era by his energy, his activity, constantly is supported in it emotional and physical tone. It encourages it, it does not make possible for it to become limp. The very flexible regime of physical and emotional loads assigns to it, is supported in it the state of optimum activity and excitation. Hugo - only, who can very accurately and is natural to excite the activity Of robesp'era, only, who can him easily move, to provoke, to tease and to entertain can easily weaken, it is easy to quiet, it can create it optimum conditions for valuable work and leisure.
Protecting the interests Of robesp'era, defending its ideas and views, Hugo is capable with the ease to overcome, it would seem, insurmountable difficulties themselves. When Hugo and Robesp'er defend the interests of validity, for them simply there does not exist obstacles and obstacles. As history shows, the ideas Of robesp'era easily conquer popularity with the support of the volitional pressure of Hugo.
Super-id block
5th Function - Fe
Extraverted ethics
The LII is characterized by subordination of his emotions to reason. Frequently he imparts the impression of a firm, unwavering, reasonable, and emphatically self-controlled and restrained person. He very much dislikes states of emotional stress and tension. Poorly endures quarrels, hysterics, scandals - these cost him a lot of his strengths.
At the initial stage of relations, the LII characteristically keeps at a large interpersonal distance, which is shortened only when he becomes convinced that the ethical principles of a partner are compatible with his own persuasions. If he is not sufficiently convinced by incoming information, then he is inclined to test the feelings of his partner.
The LII trusts a person who not only expresses his sympathies for him, but also shows concern and care for him - loves while caring, and cares with love.
The LII dislikes sorting out relations - why would he need this? He already knows what a person will do in the next minute (good intuition), and always feels or suspects how others relate to him through an emotional "indicator" that is built into his subconscious and oriented at the emotional regime of his dual, the ESE. Emotions that don't pass the test of his "indicator" are perceived by the LII as somehow inadequate or lacking: either exaggerated or insufficiently expressed, artificial and false, insincere and unnatural.
At times the LII makes a misleading impression of a person who is insensitive, unfeeling, incapable of compassion. In actuality, the LII is fully able to sympathize with even an unfamiliar person, a total stranger, although he may refuse aid to a family member if he sees that his help is not interpreted and taken as it should be (for example, his concession is viewed as a weakness), or that it's not being used and applied in an appropriate manner (for example, for purchase of objects of luxury).
The LII tunes into the emotions and moods of others very carefully. In a company of little sympathetic to him people he holds himself with constraint and private reserve. When he finds himself in an atmosphere of candid merriment, sincere cordiality, soulful warmth and comfort, he starts to "thaw", to relax, to charge up with positive emotions, and becomes a charming and interesting conversation partner. He literally beings to "sparkle" by merriment, smiles with a charming sunny smile, jokes with sophistication and wit, and with pleasure entertains his friends with various amusing stories and anecdotes, which there is a wish to remember and retell to someone later. Being in a state of emotional elation, the LII quickly wins over the sympathies of people around him, and with ease becomes the soul of the company, capable of making the evening unforgettable.
The outer, external severity and coldness of the LII is nothing more than a defensive shield of his inner sensitive soul.
The ESE sees and understands this better than anyone else. The unapproachable outer restraint of LII not only excites the curiosity of his ESE dual, who frequently finds pleasure in overcoming of seemingly insurmountable difficulties, but also serves as a kind of "touchstone" for finding a psychologically compatible partner - for melting these outer ice caps what is needed are incredible reserves of deep sincere soulful warmth, expressed as an emotional flow of particular type and nature.
With characteristic of him sincere emotional flame and the energy the ESE storms this "unapproachable stronghold" so that entire LII's "coldness" dissipates like smoke. The ESE, although he doesn't hold himself back in showing his emotions, nevertheless does this sufficiently tactfully (the LII does not tolerate any abuse and coercion over himself). The ESE shows his emotions aesthetically, intelligently, with good taste and constant sensitivity and concern for the feelings and conveniences of his partner. The ESE is the only one of all sensing-ethical types capable of emotionally affecting and influenting the LII in the most optimal way. Only the company of the ESE does the LII feel himself calm and protected. Only next to him he can really relax.
6th Function - Si
Introverted sensing
For LII it is very important to feel constant concern and care coming from his partner. In his understanding to love - means to care. If his partner doesn't show proper (in LII's opinion) attention to his conveniences, sensations, comfort, and lifestyle, the feelings of such partner the LII does not believe. The more care, consideration, and protection he receives, the more actively and readily he fulfills the wishes of his partner, the more eagerly he resolves his partner's problems.
The LII feels irritated and exhausted if he has to organize his life on his own and take care of his own comfort and well-being - this distracts him from more important creative work.
In everyday life at home the LII is quite yielding, simple, and unpretentious, and doesn't investigate too deeply into domestic matters. A woman LII (even if she's only a housewife) also views domestic work as a matter of secondary importance. The need to keep order and organization at home often irritates her: it frequently seems to her that this demands too much of her time and strength while the result is not very satisfactory, and besides, it seems unfair to her that she has to do the bulk of work at home - let others also help. The LII feels pleasure from doing housework and chores only if they don't hinder him from thinking or move him towards his other goals.
Among representatives of this type there are many craftsmen as well as cooks, who manage their work well at a level when automatic completion does not lower its quality: "Hands work, while the head thinks." At home the LII can be doing some simple automatic work the whole day and not feel tired.
The LII with pleasure prepares a holiday table, although as guests he or she invites only a certain limited circle of close people.
Representatives of this type dress undemonstratively, frequently in conservative style, preferring neutral and calm colors in clothing. The modesty of LII's dressing style sometimes passes into irritating dullness. As any intuitive type, the often use not the most complimentary and matching composition of colors (for example grey with dull orange or swamp green, and so on). The LII's look undergoes a transformation when his dual ESE takes control of his wardrobe: then the clothing is chosen such that it underlines his individual attractive qualities. Without aesthetic care and sense of taste of the ESE the LII often looks as a kind of unappealing "grey mouse".
A healthy lifestyle for the LII is not an end in itself, but an indispensable condition of having sufficient fitness for work. If he's able to work a lot and not get tired, this means that his health is in order and there's nothing to think or worry about. The LII prefers that partner would worry about his health, since he is subconsciously oriented at creative sensing function of his dual ESE, for whom the concern about the health of his close ones is a matter of paramount importance.
Id block
7th Function - Te
Extraverted logic
The INTj carries over the ideas of universal equality and fairness into the sphere of work and business relations. Therefore, the sphere of his observations first of all concerns questions of fair distribution of material goods and fair productive relations. The questions of honoring mutual commitments, the questions of fairness of working agreements, the protection of the rights of workers and fair working conditions — this primarily worries and interests the LII.
The INTj is among those people who will always defend the rights of his group, independently of personal conditions and conveniences. Specifically, he, out of his own initiative, will demand from the employer an improvement in working conditions and increase in wages for all workers, correspondingly to the change in the index of prices and to an increase in productivity of labor. He will try to achieve a fair distribution of the standards of production, as well as fair payment for "sick leaves" and "vacation time".
For the INTj the protection of human rights is of paramount significance. However, in certain cases, when the LII becomes finally convinced that he cannot protect his rights by honest methods, he begins to feel himself a kind of Robin Hood and allows himself to win over his due benefits by not completely legal and not completely honest methods. (Moreover, in this the LII is helped by his strong intuition of time.) An example: one of the representatives of this type, after despairing to defend her rights, forced her management to fire her precisely in such time when according to the law no one had a right to fire her, as a result of which the company had to pay her a significant compensation in the amount of 1.5 year wage.
Managing a working group, the INTj puts emphasis on creative initiative of the employees and on uncovering of their abilities. He thoroughly analyzes the level of qualification, the duration of work experience, the type of experience, and the level of education received. He knows from whom he can require which level of work, and makes demands in accordance with individual's abilities. He tries to encourage any initiative and use it in the interests of the entire group.
The INTj quickly finds the most rational method for carrying out work and willingly shares his experience with people around him. He considers such exchange of experience and professional mutual aid to be the standard of working relations. He doesn't impose his production proposals on others, but frequently speaks out on this theme. Sharply condemns the absence of mutual understanding and mutual help in a working group. Always tries to maintain even and appropriate relations with his colleagues. Considers that the psychological climate in the group must not adversely affect his fitness for work.
The INTj rarely gives praises for good work. He doesn't talk about the good and the positives, considered that this is already evident and understood. The LII pays more attention to deficiencies and unresolved problems. Reporting about accomplished work, he does not forget to mention positive results.
The INTj is very methodical. In everything he tries to find a system — considers this to be an indispensable condition for a successful fulfillment of his work. In working, the LII is characterized by accuracy and precision. He scrupulously studies and works through the details. He does not trust anyone simply because, and checks both himself and his partners. Check him is usually superfluous.
The INTj has good follow-through and a lot of persistence. He attempts to bring any task, any assignment, or matter to an end, and dislikes abandoning something unfinished. He also dislikes having to provide an intermediate result for consideration or group discussion.
The INTj dislikes it if he is being assigned another task or project when he still hasn't finished his current one. Cannot do multiple projects at the same time. Knows how to calculate the time needed for the fulfillment of his work and usually manages to complete it in the allotted period.
The INTj resists increases in the standards of daily production. (He simply ignores them.) He tries to take on such amount of work that he will be able to do without overloading himself by the end of the workday. The LII does not shirk from work. He values his working time and uses it very efficiently and rationally, and simultaneously he doesn't allow anyone to exploit himself or to toughen his working conditions.
8th Function - Ni
Introverted intuition
INTj's time belongs to his intellectual and creative pursuits. Therefore, the LII greatly values his own and other people's time; he is usually punctual and appreciates punctuality in others.
The INTj prudently and farsightedly plans out his days, and his plans are usually realized precisely in the manner that the LII has initially intended.
The INTj does not like to hurry. He feels time and knows how reasonably plan and distribute it. He does not like fuss, and prefers to live in an optimal for himself rhythm of life. LII's motions reflect a kind of measuredness and rational automatism, such that, as it seems, working without hurrying he manages to accomplish much.
Living according to the principle "hurry unhurriedly", the INTj manages to arrive everywhere and to do everything on time. His obvious sluggishness is deeply rational in its nature and most often it turns out to be the most optimal pace. Due to this quality the INTj relieves his dual ESFj from superfluous stress, hurries, and fusses, and assigns him an optimal rhythm of actions and optimal time schedule. By this the LII relaxes and calms down the ESE.
The INTj knows how to beneficially use the possibilities that one or another period of time presents before him. For example, the LII can use the period of forced unemployment to increase qualification, to acquire another profession, to study a foreign language, or self-educate in jurisprudence.
The INTj greatly values his free time. For him free time is always gift to himself. And he prefers to spend it on that for which he did not have enough time previously: his creative interests, education and self-erudition, relaxation and hobbies, pleasant and intellectually filled leisure time. To take away free time from an INTj is same as to deprive him of a gift. The ESFj, being oriented at demonstrative intuition of time of LII, knows how to value another person's time as well as how to protect his own.
The INTj sees well historical patterns and regularities in the life of society, he sees the "links of time".
For the INTj it is characteristic to focus attention on the negative tendencies in his surrounding environment. With his penetrative intuitive and logical insight, the LII can also understand in proper time and deeply analyze the emergent social problems. The LII is capable of timely warning the society against them and proposing the most optimal solutions for these problems.