Introverted sensing
Description of Si from "Dual Nature of Man" by A. Augusta
We view an object's internal state as the relationship between events that precondition one another. This element perceives information about how processes are reflected by one's internal state. This includes the sense of one's own condition and the sensations of people evoked by this interdependence. Interaction in space is nothing more than a reflection of one object in another. Objects reflect in other objects, evoking certain sensations in one another. Such an individual perceives external information in form of sensations evoked by ongoing events. For example, the sensation of pain is essentially the reflection within a person's mind of a relationship between his functioning body and a process occurring in some part of the body that impedes this functioning.
When this element of perception is in the leading position, the individual has the ability to change the qualities of the surrounding space and influence the sensations of people within it. He is able to avoid physical discomfort and protect others from it. This element is defined bby the ability to recreate previously experienced aesthetic sensations. An excellent example is Peter Paul Rubens, who created his paintings not from nature, but from his memory of once experienced aesthetic sensations. By paintings, he sought to evoke in the viewer certain aesthetic experiences. Such creativity constitutes the recreation of an object that is able to provide other people with aesthetic sensations that were intended by its creator. When an individual of this type is preparing something, he starts from envisioning all the associated qualities that the final product will have.
These people are able to distinguish previously experienced aesthetic sensations from new ones. They are able to "collect" and remember them. This also presupposes that such individuals are able to contra-position their sensations to those of others, the ability to contend for their fulfillment, and the ability to mold and perfect not only one's own aesthetic tastes and habits, but also those of others. We might say that such individuals have the ability to impose their understanding of aesthetics and comfortable life on other people.
Wikisocion description of Si
Introverted sensing () is an irrational, introverted, and dynamic information element. It is also referred to as Si, S, experiential sensing, or white sensing.
Si is associated with the ability to internalize sensations and to experience them in full detail.
Si focuses on tangible, direct (external) connections (introverted) between processes (dynamic) happening in one time, i.e. the physical, sensual experience of interactions between objects. This leads to an awareness of internal tangible physical states and how various physical fluctuations or substances are directly transferred between objects, such as motion, temperature, or dirtiness. The awareness of these tangible physical processes consequently leads to an awareness of health, or an optimum balance with one's environment. The individual physical reaction to concrete surroundings is main way we perceive and define aesthetics, comfort, convenience, and pleasure.
In contrast to extroverted sensing Se, Si is related to following one's own needs instead of focusing on some externally-driven conception of what is necessary to acquire or achieve. So, whereas Se ego types feel capable to evaluate how justified others' preferences are, Si ego types will try to adjust to them in any way possible (given that it does not extremely affect their own comfort), wishing to minimize conflict.
In contrast to introverted intuition Ni, Si is about direct interaction and unity (or discord) with one's surroundings, rather than abstract process and causal links.
Types that value Si prefer to spend their time doing enjoyable activities rather than straining themselves to achieve goals. They like to believe that if activities are done with enjoyment, people will give them more effort and time, and also becoming more skilled at what they are doing in the long run. They believe that goals should suit people's intrinsic needs rather than shaped by the demands and constraints of the external world, and so do not try to force others into doing things they don't want to do. They also try to be easygoing and pleasant, preferring peaceful coexistence to conflict, except when their personal well-being or comfort is directly at stake.
as a base (1st) function (SEI and SLI)
A strong ability to recognize internal physical states in themselves and others, to understand how these states are reached, and to recreate and avoid these physical states.
Individuals who possess as a base function are drawn to situations that satisfy their inner physical experience. Whenever
base function individuals are taking part in something that involves recognizing, recreating, or analyzing physical states, they feel a great deal of personal power and enthusiasm.
The avoidance of discomfort is one of the primary motivations of these types. Feelings of internal discomfort can arise from a tense psychological atmosphere, working too hard and sapping the body's resources, being pressured by other people or by numerous "things to do," and from unsatiated or oversatiated physical needs. These types tend to quickly recognize and be quite vocal about discomfort that arises and either take clever measures to dissipate it or simply get out of whatever is bothering them. They are very receptive to other people sharing feelings of discomfort with them and can help alleviate the tension and offer good solutions.
leading types are constantly adjusting themselves to their environment (which includes the people around them), and rarely have any fixed ideas about what is "appropriate" to desire in a given situation. Thus they are willing to accommodate other people's needs in an ad hoc manner. It is enough for something to "feel right" for them to justify doing it. This behavior may seem random to outside observers, since it is concomitant with weak
as a creative (2nd) function (ESE and LSE)
The individual is naturally good at organizing relaxing activities and recreation and making sure people are calm and enjoying themselves, but displays this behavior and skill when he sees a specific need for it rather than doing it automatically, all the time. The individual does not place emphasis on being calm and balanced all the time, as opposed to those with as a leading function.
The individual is attuned to people's tastes and personal preferences and likes to do things for or give things to friends and family members that will cause them to enjoy themselves and gain pleasure. For example, creating a comfortable, clean, and spacious setting in the home, taking them out to do something they enjoy, or finding opportunities and people with whom they can pursue their hobbies.
as a role (3rd) function (IEI and ILI)
The individual dislikes it when others emphasize the need for relaxation, enjoyment, and activities that are supposed to bring these about, because what they need internally is just the opposite — a need for action and resolve. Rather than spend their time trying to "listen to what their body is telling them," they need to have clear external demands that are able to overcome their sense of uncertainty and hesitation.
as a vulnerable (4th) function (EIE and LIE)
Individuals who possess introverted sensing as a 4th function tend to be negligent to the effects of and have the view that
aspects are of less importance than others for achieving their goals. They put a low priority on the physical, short-distance, here-and-now in relation to longer-distance and longer-term considerations. A typical manifestation is a lack of concern for small aesthetic details, since a greater focus is given on the opinion that, in the longer term, taking care of them is a never-ending exercise. This is also manifested in a relative lack of awareness of the immediate surroundings, as in noticing where objects may be if you don't have to deal with them particularly, and of your own physical sensations.
A lack of concern for small aesthetic details is more visible in the LIE; in the case of the EIE, the low focus on is more noticeable as a dislike for low-level practical details, such as filling up forms, signing documents, or filling tax returns.
Due to individuals who possess introverted sensing as a 4th function believing that aspects are of less importance, they tend to be thrown off course by unthought of, new or neglected
as a suggestive (5th) function (ILE and IEE)
The individual tends to be chronically unaware of his own bodily processes, including physiological sensations and a sense of balance and alignment with one's true desires. He sometimes has peculiar preferences or tastes, which he himself is unable to understand or fulfill.
The individual almost never emphasizes his attractiveness or sexuality overtly and publicly, but dreams of being pleasing to the senses to at least a small circle of trusted friends and partners who are able to develop and enhance his sexuality and attractiveness in a trusting atmosphere.
as a mobilizing (6th) function (LII and EII)
The individual has difficulty producing pleasurable sensory experiences for others and for himself, but likes to talk about pleasure, enjoyment, and relaxation, hoping that someone nearby will take the hint and take the lead.
The individual tends to periodically get wound up and uptight and is generally unable to resolve these sensations himself. He needs someone to help him relax and take an internal look at whether he actually needs or enjoys what he is doing, and what might be the source of the tension that has built up.
He can tend to extremes in this area, either depriving or indulging the senses to an unhealthy extent.
as an ignoring (7th) function (SLE and SEE)
The individual is perfectly adept at evaluating his physical state and the quality of his sensations, but gives priority to the external act of experiencing and interacting with the world. He gets impatient with those who stubbornly focus on harmony and equilibrium when there are things to be done in the outside world. According to these types, the exploration of the sensations is something that should be done in private on one's own time, but in public people should be ready to interact, get involved, and command situations without having to weigh out everything first.
as a demonstrative (8th) function (LSI and ESI)
The individual is confident of his ability to recognize and evaluate the physical condition and well-being of himself and others, aesthetic sensations, and the internal effects of sensory stimulants such as good food and relaxing situations. He can provide a convincing evaluation of these when prompted, however, he regards soothing, relaxing things and discussions of them as sources of amusement rather than a priority in life. He does not treat them very seriously or allow himself to engage in them very often, despite his overall confidence in these areas. When he does choose to focus attention on his physical condition and well-being, he is more likely to prefer a approach and impose a strict, demanding dietary or exercise regimen upon himself or others.
Aspects in the Valued Functions by Dmitry Golihov
Si as leading function of SLI (ISTp; Jean Gabin) and SEI (ISFp; Dumas)
These people live with sensory pleasures of life and look for them everywhere: great food, a comfortable chair, a variety of good, stable physiological sensations. Often consider themselves to be experts in their physical tastes: "If I love warmth, then everyone who likes cold is a walrus". Very self-confident in matters of health, can put their views about health "above" the opinions of the doctors or even to treat their advice as irrelevant. Almost always have good health, but excessive enthusiasm for sensory pleasures of life can sabotage them. Smoking, alcohol, gluttony - it is very difficult to just give it up. At the same time on these issues they have very conservative tastes. If he is involved in the kitchen, such skills come to him easily if he is predisposed to such activity. But can be very critical of cooking of others, especially high-risk atypical dishes. Often carry all that is necessary for comfort with them. Freely talk about intimate matters, don't consider it necessary to hide any of this from strangers, like to talk about their illnesses and inner workings of their bodies. Conservative in his sensory experiences, so in these matters, he is very attentive. Confident in his invulnerability and reliability. If he senses or feels something, then he won't listen to anyone and will do everything "in his own way." He likes reliable things that can be used to "bend a horseshoe", and indeed such an idea may come to his mind easily. Has good control of his body and its plasticity. Have a need to always feel something physically, to confirm own presence in the world, and will surround themselves with such things: warm carpet, woolen socks, soft kitten, baoding balls for spinning in hands. Fuss a lot over issues of convenience, but does not worry, this fussing is a way to maintain a conversation.
Si as creative function of ESE (ESFj; Hugo) and LSE (ESTj; Stirlitz)
This person is an expert in physical comfort and sensory pleasures, he likes to deliver this as "products" to other people. Enjoys cooking, approaches this issue very creatively, though sometimes too creatively and his dishes come out as too specific. Great experimenter in a variety of sensations, like their maximum diversity. Proposal to try a rare exotic dish will often be welcomed. These people make for good massage therapists. Take care of their loved ones in physical sense. They know how to create coziness and comfort in some not intended for this place. Creative and skillful in matters of medicine: if it turns out they need to do a surgery "in the field", they will do it gladly, without any experience. Generally likes to treat other people, to make their bodies healthier, to conduct experiments on how to improve the state of the body or make it more beautiful: hardening, changing of appearance, weight loss, etc. Also love to taste anything and experience unexpected tastes, smells, physical sensations, and share this with others around them. Run around all day with offers to their close ones: "try eating these berries", "smell this, smells pleasant like a flower," "do you want me to massage your shoulders?", "maybe you want some candy with jam?". If someone asks them for some sensory pleasure often it is very difficult for them to refuse. In connection to this they may get into some rather strange sensate territory just because somebody requested something of them.
Si as activating function of EII (INFj; Dostoevsky) and LII (INTj; Robespierre
Many of the concerns of people center around issues of health, usefulness / harmfulness, reliability, and this is usually evident. They are often like walking medical guides - know what should be taken and when in the event of sickness. These questions serve as the foundation of their self-esteem, so in these matters they are not afraid to go too far: winter swimming, training, jogging in the morning, drinking specialized products for promotions of health. Often attracted to alternative medicine. Anything that can improve their health holds their interest. They are very weary of the slightest dangers to their physical well-being: when it's cold - they are the first to notice the need to dress warmer. May ask to reduce speed when someone is driving too fast. Any threats to their well-being are unacceptable - even if one screw comes loose they see it as a potential threat to their lives and refuse to move in a way. Always check machinery and equipment for the most trifling reasons. Never confide "packing their parachute" to someone else. If they have any health problems, for them this is a serious blow to self-esteem. In active defense of this function will seek to prove their physical soundness, to be the first to undertake physical hardships (say, the first to carry heavy furniture during community gatherings). In passive defense will say: "Yes, I am old and sick." All that can be used to confirm their physical soundness, will be given priority. So they like to exercise as a way to prove that they are still capable. The most terrible punishment for them is to lay helplessly ill in bed in the presence of other people. They like to be confident in the medical plan of the organization for which they are working. They often become hostages of the word "beneficial" especially if it relates to health. Usually demonstrate a lot of care about social security, debt to the people by the government. They fear of getting into a situation where there is no one around to give a glass of water. To convince themselves that their health is ok, for them it is desirable to periodically somehow "feel" their body strength: hiking, rock climbing, marathons, triathlon, etc. If the test is passed, then their physical well-being is considered to be fine.
Si as suggestive function in ILE (ENTp; Don Quixote) and IEE (ENFp; Huxley)
These sociotypes always move in the direction of places where there is physical comfort and constancy, pleasant sensations, and cannot deny themselves in this. Where they are physically comfortable, such places are good, even if they are very expensive. Love fine food, massage, rubbing. Having found one place where they feel comfortable, such as a restaurant - could go there for dinner across town. Avoid places which lack all of his needed physical facilities. Food lovers, slaves to their preferences and habits. If they have a sweet tooth, will consume sweets by kilograms. Often determines the state of their physical being by the words of others, easily suggestible by this. Sometimes can try to recreate at home the elements of the place where they felt most comfortable physically. Quickly become accustomed to the "good" and this becomes their weakness in the future - without it they cannot endure. Suggestible by authorities on issues of health - if he is told that he needs to have something treated, he will easily believe it. In this context, can fall prey to "snake oil physicians". May forget to eat on time or to take medicine, to sleep, thus are in need of caring parents or spouses.
Additional links and descriptions
- About Aspects and Functions in Socionics by Tatiana Prokofieva
- Introverted Sensation Type by Carl Jung
- Sample vocabulary associated with introverted sensing
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