SEI Domain/Gulanzon

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Hey there, and welcome back to Radio Free Gul :)

I think that SEIs can come in many different flavours, much like soup. However, unlike soup, it's impossible to have an un-tasty SEI, since we're kind of the coolest type in the Socion (well, ILEs come close second/equal first, but this is a story for another day.)

Where SEIs live

PB290305.8772133 std.jpg

I'd like you to breathe deeply, if you can. Really take some time to feel your body and experience yourself breathing. If you can't, don't worry, as it's a little tricky to explain to someone over the internet how to relax when you can't be there to guide them yourself. (Fact #1: SEIs thrive on feedback. Even those of us with intellectual bents or high amounts of intelligence will probably lean towards a very concrete worldview, irrespective of whether we can wrap our heads around abstract concepts.)

The world of the SEI at ease is very like this picture. We are a peaceful breed. If I'm most like an animal, it would have to be a bear: a big, lumbering, (furry :P) hungry creature foraging for berries and scooping fish out of rivers in places that the human race forgot. How I feel when I relax and look at that picture is like I'm diffusing into its big, open sky, feeling the wind caress me, hearing the sound of waves lapping the shore... (Fact #2: SEIs live and die by their senses. With enough thought, we can easily use our imaginations to recreate sensations and emotions that we captured beforehand.)

Our senses and our emotions are also intimately interconnected. As you probably know, another word for an emotion is a feeling; and believe me, we feel. Often the lines between different sensations and feelings are beyond blurred, leading to a peculiar melange of emotion and sensation. This is why you will hear your friendly neighbourhood SEI using turns of phrase like "sweet sorrow" or "horrible screaming yellow!" (I've used that last one).

What our house looks like

Man meditating.jpg

SEIs are introverts. The beach I posted a picture of above is a place inside our head. Even when I walk home from uni, gazing at the clouds, I think I'm truly off in some world inside of me where all the information I take in pools together. When I'm drifting off into the trees and the sky, I'm sinking back inside my head.

So, in other words, I've told you where I live, but to other people, they see the man above. So that's what our house looks like on the outside...


Our neighbourhood


Dreamy introvert or no, we are still social creatures! SEIs love "me time" as much as "you time". I think a friend of mine put it really well... "I like relaxing with friends."

We are often friendly and polite, so we naturally get along with people. Those that we don't, we avoid, because comfort is paramount to the SEI. People who stir controversy or make us feel bad will have their impact mitigated as much as possible... but we'll probably still be polite about it. SEIs are nice people :)

I think SEIs are more inclined to a small, somewhat malleable circle of closer friends. There'll be one or two who are permanent residents, but people will slowly move in and out of that group. Fact #4: SEIs can be very bad at keeping contact with people. Sometimes you just drop off the face of the planet, but we still greet you with genuine friendly warmth and affection when you come back into our worlds because hey--you never left! Well, not to us at any rate.

As much as the world of the SEI is like a big, empty, peaceful place, we also keep company. Perhaps this is just me, but I often keep in touch with the people in my life in my imagination. When they greet me in the real world, I can update them on what we've been discussing in my head. Perhaps that sounds a bit strange? It's equally strange to me that there are people out there who spend all their time in the world outside, and then act with sincere confusion about their inner lives! (I know at least one of my duals is very guilty of this. You know who you are!)