Socionics Type Descriptions by Piatnitskiy


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ILE (Don Quixote)

ILE (intuitive-logical extravert)

EGO. To perceive the world as a world of meaning, ideas, puzzles and search for solutions to answer their questions. In each situation well into the essence of the object or phenomenon, its positive features and justifies, describes them in terms of global, abstract logical laws. For the presentation of his vision builds an abstract system, scheme, generalized concept, which in general proves concrete idea, hunch, possibility.

Super-Ego. The concept of volitional rebuff, resistance, protection, based on common templates and stereotypes. Understanding human relations and ways to avoid the tensions which only occurs on the basis of personal ponianiya. Not able to assess adkevatnost manifestations of sympathy / antipathy, agree with the rules and take into account the situation of wearing it is very difficult. Therefore, any hint of unethical, inability to act, disrespect for other people is perceived painfully. Stereotypically seeks to establish and maintain relationships that help protect yourself and loved ones from the volitional pressure, with limited personal experience of understanding the relationships themselves.

Super-Id. It involves information about aesthetics and komformte broadly. It feels a lack of the knowledge / skills in eliminating discomfort, inability to diversify the aesthetic perception. I would assume that is able to create and maintain a pleasant emotional atmosphere around him, in private, in an informal atmosphere. Pleasant positive evaluation of this skill. It is activated in situations of good mood warm emotional atmosphere.

ID. Has your elaborated in the course of individual life convenient ways to timing of activities. Involuntarily choose the best technologies and methods for the implementation of the current work. Implicitly, did not hesitate to use flexible ways to achieve the goal at hand, allowing roughly fit into the overall time schedule, which charted for themselves.

SEI (Dumas)

SEI (sensory-ethical introvert)

EGO. The perception of the world in terms of comfort and convenience, especially emotional comfort. Good understands and appreciates comfort, depending on the place, time and situation. It seeks to reduce the negative glow in the general emotional atmosphere, to raise another mood, consciously changing the state of the other person, his emotions, thus creating a particular atmosphere around him comfortable.

Super-Ego. Ability to evaluate the prospect, make a prediction, to anticipate developments based on the turned stereotypes borrowed techniques to solve such problems. The time and turnaround time appoint stereotypically, can not always take into account the dependence of the terms of the particular situation. Understanding the technological properties of materials, the construction workflow, workflow, different ways of working and their performance solely on the basis of personal experience. Not able to evaluate and compare their own way to solve such problems with the way the others do. So sensitive about criticism of the way of expressing the business activity and the organization of work.

Super-Id. It involves information on extraordinary opportunities, outstanding personalities, ideas and opportunities in a broad sense. Sometimes it feels difficulty in a situation rich in potential. I would like to take it to act fairly, reasonably, reasonable in the particular circumstances. Needs assessment of skills. Unconsciously activated to build the rationale, allowing to realize significant potential if necessary.

ID. In everyday life, it has its own set level claims, material wealth and influence in every situation. Flexible and without hesitation uses its natural ability to establish a good relationship, to negotiate. Unconsciously uses this ability to strengthen their positions, defend their interests.

ESE (Hugo)

ESE (ethical-sensory extravert)

EGO. The perception of fundamentals which is emotional. Good feeling emotional atmosphere in any situation, knows the relevance of the method of expression, space and weight (importance) of the internal state of each situation. A flexible approach to solving management problems and expressing emotions. It is oriented in the negative and the positive state. Creatively it creates around itself a comfort, comfort, convenient equips space, surrounds himself with beautiful things, thereby changing the overall mood.

Super-Ego. Practical and technological thinking is firmly based on the knowledge acquired and solve similar problems templates. Methods of business activity in general, as a particular area selected on the basis of the opinion authoritative sources, or customize for one of the developed templates. Prediction of specific changes in the sphere of their interests is carried out only on the basis of personal experience. Not able to compare their forecasting method with other, so the disease is perceived criticism of poor choices or time periods Dislikes untimely situations; lost due to adverse events. Guided by purely personal experience, choose a specific time and date for a variety of cases with a limited understanding of the social norms of business activity and how to work at all.

Super-Id. It involves information on the procedure, the specific logical relationships in the sphere of activity or interest. Needs prompts to specific methods targeting links between phenomena, laws and regulations. I would like to believe that he can choose the features successfully use even a small chance. Needs assessment of skills. Unconsciously activated when the need for a procedure, a clear consistency and clarity in the matter, especially if it will be recognized his ability.

ID. Involuntarily tracks relationships in his social circle. without hesitation enjoys proficiency on personal practice a variety of ways to establish and maintain relationships. Good relations are important as such for personal self-confidence in a situation. To prevent the adverse relationship is prone, often without realizing, operate the pressure, forcing a showdown, forcing a partner to change the relationship for the better.

LII (Robespierre)

LII (logical-intuitive introvert)

EGO. analytical thinking. Good understanding in which relationships are some objects or phenomena with others, what laws apply in this case, or not valid. Based on a comprehensive analysis puts forward specific conjectures about the positive essence of concrete objects and phenomena, their concrete positive opportunities, and some constructive ideas.

Super-Ego. Stereotypes about the relationship between people and the ways out of the unpleasant ethical situations. Determined to protect the manifestations of their living space is carried out only on the basis of personal experience. Due to the limited capacity to repel sensitive to any attempts at interference in his life.

Super-Id. It involves information on a good mood, a particular positive state of feeling. I would like to believe that he can address the serious inconvenience, to reduce discomfort in the surrounding world. Needs assessment of skills. Unconsciously it is activated when there is a need to make the environment more comfortable, which should lead to a better state, to cheer up at least in the immediate surroundings.

ID. Fitting life has developed methods and related specific practical activity, processability, use of resources. Spontaneously feels the correct allocation of resources over time, allowing to solve current tasks effectively.

SLE (Zhukov)

SLE (sensory-logical extravert)

EGO. The perception of the world in terms of will, strength qualities, conflict of interests and ways of influence. Well see the strength and power of a strong-willed different objects, people, social structures. In any situation he knows how to subdue, suppress, overcome, persevere. Build specific logic circuits to achieve their goals. It creates rules and procedures, allowing to achieve maximum impact.

Super-Ego. Understanding the potential and opportunities based on stereotypes, often borrowed the methods of evaluation. The horizon of opportunities based on the generally accepted views. Stereotypically evaluates the ability of other people. Good relationships with specific people establish and maintain only on the basis of their understanding of personal relationships. Not able to select the best way to express the relationship, or even a way to assess the establishment of relations with the others do it. So sensitive about remarks about incorrectness, tactlessness.

Super-Id. Attracts positive information about a particular term, future pleasant surprises of fate. Often feel a lack of ability to predict, to see positive incentives in the long term. I would like to believe that he can manage the general emotional atmosphere, to maintain the desired state of the fuse. Needs assessment of skills. Unconsciously activated in case of need to prove himself igniter desired emotional atmosphere, to present an emotional surprise.

ID. The activities of daily living enjoyed individually Legacy ways of creating, comfort, convenience. Spontaneously flexibly and confidently use the necessary tools, technology, the process for the implementation of the current practice.

IEI (Yesenin)

IEI (intuitive-ethical introvert)

EGO. Experience the world as an eternally ongoing process of constant developments and changes, which are often filled with deep meaning. Particularly inclined to mark the event, wearing a universal, or break character. It can accurately assess the prospects and developments, taking into account both the general trends and particular situations. In situations that may lead to a deterioration of the emotional atmosphere of the oppressed in every way trying to prevent this deterioration. For this purpose, as an antidote, it creates a close and good mood. The main motto of “do not lose heart, even in the most difficult situations.

Super-Ego. Remedy discomfort, creating convenience, aesthetics understanding of shapes and proportions, based on the knowledge learned. Knowledge of these acquired or in the process of formation, or borrowed from authority figures. It is difficult to create an aesthetic product that would meet the requirements of the situation. Approaches to the specific practices are unique and do not always correspond to conventional techniques. Sam this inadequacy is not able to see, as it is difficult to confidently compare their ways of working with while others do it. Unpleasant criticism of practicality, business skills, the choice of method and work tools.

Super-Id. It involves information on the power side of life, and especially the specific methods of protection of their living space, their interests. It feels a lack of skills and information on the protection and display of influence methods. It claims to be a proper assessment of its ability to analyze, the ability to think collectively. Needs assessment of skills. Unconsciously activated to use analytical, logical ability, if necessary, especially if it leads to a strengthening of its influence.

ID. Has the life achievements of recognition given the essence of things and phenomena. In different situations, to cope with the tasks that require a choice between several possibilities, seeing the positive qualities of people or events. Broad and flexible enjoys an innate ability to build and maintain relationships. Relationship problems solve in passing, not particularly paying attention.

EIE Hamlet

EIE (ethical-intuitive extravert)

EGO. Positive emotions are the main purpose and value of life. Well aware a positive state (emotions, feelings), his or another person close to the psychological distance. He sees the subtleties and nuances of positive emotional state in different situations, able to transfer feelings into the situation and time. It strives to show others the coming troubles, adverse events. He sees and understands the events as a phenomenon of the total scale. The inherent tragedy of perception of events. The events inclined to see a deep relationship with other events, far-reaching consequences, which are important especially in the emotional context. He tries to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past and points to another way of avoiding adverse events, thereby providing a good state (mood, positive emotions) itself and those who consider the immediate environment.

Super-Ego. Conventional ideas about his professional activities known, the specific effective ways of working. The work is firmly based on the knowledge that is trained to expect the same from others. Perception of comfort and discomfort, convenience and inconvenience, and other positive and negative sensory based only on their own experience. It can not relate their understanding of feelings in order, as it is in society. So sensitive about remarks about inconveniences in the world, about his inability to navigate well in these matters. Attempts to use his often peculiar understanding of beauty, comfort and convenience when working with objects. Brought up understanding that the work is necessary to ensure an acceptable level of their facilities.

Super-Id. It involves information on the objective laws of being, of existing in the world of relationships and the relationships between its elements, the theories and draw examples of consistent, clear logical thinking. Oriented in this information at the level of personal experience, does not want to compare your own understanding with the conventional. Inadequate response to a negative assessment of its consistency. I would like to believe that he can resist the strong-willed pressure to defend their living space. It has the individual methods, techniques, patterns, determining the borders (psychological and physical) that can not be violated. It needs a positive assessment of such skills. Unconsciously activated when opportunities to show their best side in voleproyavleniya question. I like to feel a champion and protector, to protect and defend themselves and immediate surroundings with the feeling of injustice, partiality, illegality.

ID. It builds on the whole it comfortable relationships with others. The manifestation of sympathy / antipathy performs according to the accumulated during the life of the individual skills. Establishing a relationship considers the process depends on the individual inclinations enters into a relationship of dialogue participants. Usually it turns out good to see concrete positive potential, possibilities, abilities. Freely and without hesitation uses this skill in their lives.

LSI (Maxim Gorky)

LSI (logical-sensory introvert)

EGO. World Vision as a system of rules, laws, knowledge hierarchies. Perceived by others as part of their world view in detail thought out system. Each concept or phenomenon fits into this system. It tends to apply the effect, promotion, coercion and force action to save important system for him, the established order. Vary the amount of pressure and the influence of the tool to achieve their goals in the right situation.

Super-Ego. A good relationship takes on the basis of the rules learned. Understanding the relationships and sympathy based on stereotyped views. Hard, if necessary, to find a way to show a good attitude in an unusual situation. Search capabilities, potentials and possible meanings of phenomena limited personal experience and personal understanding. Assesses the propensity and ability of others based on their own ideas, have difficulties in assessing the adequacy of the assessment and comparison of these estimates with others.

Super-Id. Experience difficulties in creating the necessary emotional atmosphere. Attracted by the opportunity to get away from the negative state, to get the enthusiasm and excitement. It activates the positive outlook, sense of belonging to the significant event.

ID. Based on the experience generated is the right tool for the activity in which he is involved. Technological process side is automatic and effective. Flexible use of the individual the ability to organize work space, convenience and comfort.

SEE (Napoleon)

SEE (sensory-ethical extravert)

EGO. Well aware of how to resist pressure to resist the attempts of forceful impact to preserve the independence and the existing sphere of influence. Manipulates relations can influence the relationship between people, thus protecting themselves. Sets with people such relationships, which allow to feel safe, to remain independent.

Super-Ego. Conventional ideas about concrete positive opportunities, abilities. Building a common logical relationships only on the basis of personal experience. Therefore, any need to create a new system relations objects causes difficulties. It seeks to realize a concrete idea, the possibility of a limited understanding of the latest social norms.

Super-Id. Involves information on any events, developments, how to avoid major adverse events, mistakes of the past, about the general perspective and historical experience. I would assume that is able to work well on specific objects. It needs a positive evaluation of this skill. Unconsciously activated if necessary to avoid any adverse events through a particular work effectively.

ID. Program reduce discomfort and to create comfort at all. It is being implemented through the creation of a particular positive state (emotions, feelings) for yourself and loved ones. Unconsciously it creates a narrow circle of the atmosphere of good mood.

ILI (Balzac)

ILI (intuitive-logical introvert)

EGO. Well see and understand the course of events. Able to predict the results deyatetelnosti, the progress of the situation. Builds projections that often come true. Learning the properties of objects in terms of practical application. Able to create a new way of working and tools. It achieves optimal technology, which allows first of all to save time.

Super-Ego. Comfort and convenience are understood on the basis of learned norms and stereotypes. It is not always able to create a comfortable working or home environment. The emotional states focuses only on the basis of their own experience. Often inadequate in manifestations of emotions. Estimates of his emotional state on the part may be to his liking.

Super-Id. He feels some uncertainty in their ability to defend themselves, to protect their interests. Draws power and all sorts of information on how the power struggle for the defense and offense. I would like to believe that he can build a good relationship, be tactful and agreeable. It needs a positive evaluation of this skill.

ID. As a result of life experiences passed involuntarily distinguish the essence of things inherent capabilities and internal quality. First notice negative traits quality. The advanced logic makes it easy to structure events and phenomena in the course of daily activities.

LIE (Jack London)

LIE (logical-intuitive extravert)

EGO. He knows and is able to flexibly use a variety of objects and their properties. It has advanced technological thinking, “knows how to create an optimal and efficient way of working, a new tool. Good sense of developments in the near term, and uses this skill at the right time to apply their skills.

Super-Ego. It has a common idea of ??the emotional world. The ability to lift your mood, to maintain the atmosphere in the team is based on the stereotypical methods. Comfort understands only on the basis of their own experience and their own ideas. Inflexible in this regard and can not objectively evaluate your understanding of comfort and convenience.

Super-Id. Feeling difficulty in establishing good relations. He needs assistance in understanding the likes and dislikes. It is activated when necessary to overcome the difficulties and manifestations of volitional qualities, especially if it is, in his view contributes to the triumph of good. It needs a positive evaluation of his strong-willed qualities.

ID. The daily activity is based on the developed schemes and structures of experience. It should be individually tried and tested way to build logic actions. Spontaneously and accurately estimates the hidden features and capabilities. Easy to grasp the essence of phenomena and events.

ESI (Dreiser)

ESI (ethical-sensory introvert)

EGO. Well see how someone who belongs to, know how to form, manifest and change attitudes in different situations, knows the socially accepted norm manifestations relations, and has its own understanding of morality .. It focuses in positive and in negative ways. Can exist in a situation of prolonged conflict by protecting themselves and their families adequately the situation. Applies the persistence and firmness to defend the moral and ethical values.

Super-Ego. It can evaluate the coherence and consistency of thoughts, actions, phenomena in terms of the lessons (learned) concepts. Conventional ideas about common logical relationships and dependencies in the world, about building a consistent inference schemes, structures. Hidden features and inherent potential is estimated only based on their own understanding. Not able to assess whether it coincides with the generally accepted understanding. The need to understand the essence of logic models, theories, umopostroeny reduces to a circle of his interests (activities). Vision concrete positive opportunities and abilities only on the basis of personal experience. So sensitive about remarks the lack of flexibility, insight, about the need to find new options.

Super-Id. It feels insufficient orientation in the concrete application of practice. It involves information on the need to perform a specific job, its efficient methods, the positive properties of concrete objects. Only personal experience relies When performing the work. Wanting to fulfill specific to a certain area of ??specialization work to improve their skills in a narrow field. I would like to believe that he can avoid adverse events, a repetition of past mistakes. Needs assessment of skills. Unconsciously activated predict negative events, consequences and avoid them, especially if they have a particular impact on its practical activities, if necessary. Specific actions give confidence in order to avoid trouble in the future.

ID. Individual, automatically implemented method of creating for yourself and loved ones a positive emotional background in different situations. In the course of life responds to discomfort, inconvenience, discomfort and acts on their elimination. To feel better, reduces discomfort in the environment, it eliminates the inconvenience and discomfort, creates comfort.

IEE (Huxley)

IEE (intuitive-ethical extravert)

EGO. Good feels the possibility of other people watching from the outside, especially strangers, highlights people with interesting abilities among others. It seeks to establish a good relationship with the interesting people at close range, to express their affection for him. Find the way out of different situations, having a vision of hidden opportunities, establishing a good relationship, or setting up a positive public opinion.

Super-Ego. Conventional notions of willful exposure, the pressure exerted by strong-willed qualities. Build specific relationships and relationships based on personal experience. So sensitive about criticism of analytical skills, experiences difficulties when confronted with a strange logic. Attempts to achieve such a degree of influence in the society, which corresponds to the norms internalized perceptions of influence. Implements is through personal ideas about intelligence, about the logical relationships.

Super-Id. It involves information about a particular organization of space, a comfortable atmosphere around him. I would like to believe that he can choose a sufficiently efficient ways of working, to establish a process to improve it, to change the sequence of operations. Needs assessment of skills. Unconsciously activated when necessary to create comfort around you through the organization of performing any work, manifestations of business activity.

ID. Individual program to create concrete positive developments, positive changes. It is implemented through the creation of suitable unconscious state (emotions, feelings, moods, feelings) as a, and others.

SLI (Gabin)

SLI (sensory-logical introvert)

EGO. It has a flexible vision of spatial relationships and proportions. To perceive the world as a harmony of lines in space, the harmony of the physical sensations that there is a balance between simplicity and elegance of form. He sees the wealth of forms, their absolute and relative value, including both beautiful and ugly. Able to adapt to discomfort, to eliminate the inconvenience of taking into account the accepted standards of aesthetics, the current situation and possible developments in the future. Soberly evaluates and uses technical means and materials to achieve the desired results, taking into account the specific possibilities of the material and tools for a given purpose.

Super-Ego. Plans for the event, based on the lessons taken over prediction templates. It’s hard to move away from the conventional way of evaluating the progress of the situation in time. To deal with emotional situations only on the basis of their own understanding of the emotional world of people. The need to relate the emotional side of the situation with the appropriate way to respond causes severe difficulty. Not sure of the adequacy of their manifestations, so tends not to express outwardly strong and turbulent emotions than the impression maloemotsionalnogo person. Not versed in the area of ??negative emotions

Super-Id. Attracts positive about the opportunities and potential of non-manifest in your life. Interested in unusual people, views, views. The value of domestic content and essence of the person associated with the attitude to it. The method displays the relationship consists of individual conventional techniques. He considers himself able to establish the necessary relationships with others and unconsciously seeks to obtain a proper assessment of this ability.

ID. He has worked out the personal experiences of its own security policy interests and the interests of the local environment. Flexible and efficient use of existing systems and rules in their daily activities, including for the protection of his interests.

LSE (Stierlitz)

LSE (logical-sensory extravert)

EGO. In the surrounding objects, events, phenomena sees above all the practical side. Treat all from the point of view of application in the activities, characteristics and qualities that may be useful for those interested in his work. Work, work is seen as a detailed process of “full set of actions from the beginning to the end (the end of a concrete, complete results). Able to take into account the nuances of each phase of work, adjust actions according to the current situation, including the exhaust methods or approaches to choose the best. Constantly improving in their professional area, polishes his skills. Good has a sense of convenience, comfort and discomfort. His vision of aesthetics and beauty covers any objects that can change based on the situation. It strives to create a comfortable environment, to eliminate discomfort in order to create the necessary conditions for work. Apply understanding of beauty to improve the properties of concrete objects.

Super-Ego. Conventional notions of good mood, positive state of specific people within a narrow circle of friends. The communication is able to maintain elevated-cheerful tone with the help of learned techniques. Lost in the negative emotional atmosphere. It seeks to avoid such situations. If he expresses negative emotions, it is often in an inadequate manner. Guided only personal experience, it tends to avoid unexpected events, loss of time and take into account the errors of the past. Painfully perceives the information about the inability to foresee the negative consequences of delays or anything. Standby condition perceived negatively.

Super-ID. It involves information about human relations in general, their modification, improvement or deterioration. Guidance on, relying only on personal experience, not in a position to compare this experience with a view, as it is to build and express relationships. Configured to anything that can help somehow avoid the negative attitude of others. I would like to believe that he can be a shrewd, resourceful, to see concrete positive opportunities, the ability of people. It needs a positive evaluation of this skill. Unconsciously activated if needed to find a specific opportunity to change the relationships between people.

ID. The daily activities secretly monitors compliance with consistency, fairness throughout. Spontaneously protects, defends its own system of values, worked out on the path of life understanding of justice, with whom he lives. Resist any pressure, power influence.

EII (Dostoevsky)

EII (ethical-intuitive introvert)

EGO. He sees the world as a society interplay between individuals, between which are formed thin network vziimnyh likes and dislikes. Examines and evaluates everything in its relation to the object (person) and with respect to which the object (person) generates in the near surroundings. He sees attitude in their development, feels the details and nuances of the relationship to themselves and to the object of interest. He does not understand oritsatelnyh relationships, lost in situations of negative attitudes and tries to avoid them in every way. He sees internal inclinations, abilities and motives of human behavior. He knows how to find justification for almost any negative actions, to see the positive in the negative. It corrects the attitude depending on changes in the perception of the internal content of the object (person). In an effort not to spoil relations is able to show an uncommon delicacy and ingenuity to avoid even a hint of a bad attitude.

Super-Ego. Conventional ideas about specific logical systems, structures of social hierarchy. The existence of conventional concrete social order, which has to comply with, perceived as an inevitable necessity. Implementation of volitional pressure, pressure, impact of the use of force only on the basis of personal experience. If necessary, it defends the system of world order, trying to force the interlocutor to accept his point of view. However, experiences difficulties when necessary to carry out such a pressure sensitive about criticism of volitional qualities, as well as the need to be violent.

Super-ID. Attracts any information on the practical moments of activity, properties and parameters of the objects, the optimal organization of business in general, trends in technology development. Own organize practical activities only on the basis of the acquired individual experience. I would like to believe that it has the taste, able to organize the space around them, to create a comfortable environment. Needs assessment of skills. Unconsciously activated when needed to optimize any process through the establishment of facilities in operation.

ID. It has the individual habits of expression and mood changes. In different situations, encourage yourself and others by suitable means. The daily activity uses the spontaneous ability to evaluate the near future developments, innate sense of perspective in order to prevent adverse development scenarios.