Socioscope ESI

Ethical Sensing Introvert (ESI, Dreiser)

Life puts on us certain obligations, that follow from the very fact of our existence.

What are the three main things in the life of ESI? They are duty, duty, and duty.

I may want many things, but the most important one - is what is needed.

The sphere of duty for ESI is mainly his or her own family, relatives, and old tried-and-tested friends. These are all those people fro the sake of whom ESI won’t spare anything - not time, nor efforts, health or money. Their interests ESI places above own, and cannot even explain why this is so. He/she simply cannot act otherwise as sense of duty tells him.


Translator’s note: This may be confusion of TIM ESI with enneagram type 6.

The main thing is not what I want, but what is necessary

The sphere of “duty” for the ESI is essentially limited to her family, relatives, and old, reliable friends. For the sake of such people, the ESI will not stint on her blessings and endowments – whether these be her talents and abilities, her money, time, or even her health. The ESI usually puts the interests of these people above her own, though she herself cannot explain at all why she does so. She cannot behave any differently, than to act in accordance with the dictates of her duty.

There is this word - it is necessary.

Children of this type come to this critical position particularly early if there happen to be members of her family who require special care and concern: younger sisters and brothers, the sick, and the elderly. But if she happens to be the “youngest” in the family – the object rather than the source of all the solicitousness and concern, this may adversely influence her character. Excessive demandingness related to her surroundings and overanxiousness with respect to her health may develop, and she will possibly begin to search for (and, perhaps even find!) nonexistent diseases in herself. It is possible that a tendency toward irritability will develop in her.

The ESI child is usually calm and quiet, mild, and balanced. Studying does not come easy for her: in order to learn well, it is necessary for her to exert a great deal of effort. In school she is usually quite accountable: she is efficient, accurate, and not at all lazy. She does not grasp new material immediately, but once she has understood something, it will likely stay with her a very long time.

Wait, give I shall understand

To explain to the ESI something complex, it is best to take an abstract approach, to include the aid of unambiguous figurative examples and logical sequences, without attempting to skip any steps along the way, and furthermore to never proceed to the next step until the current step has been adequately comprehended.

In order to understand something, the matter requires careful examination and consideration.

Attempts to hasten her thought process will only result in an altercation. It is inappropriate (and inadvisable) to express explicit criticism of her logical abilities; after that she will only obstinately fend off any attempts to help her deal with her problems.

The ESI would like her associates to regard her as a clever, reasonable person. She studies frequently for this, and moreover she tries to do it imperceptibly, without demonstrating her efforts and without following direct advice from anyone. She listens with interest only to recommendations that are not specifically addressed to her, and are veiled under the guise of common sense.

She dislikes it when others “philosophize”: in her opinion, these people are only boastfully revealing their arrogance; genuinely clever people silently go about their business and achieve success in their endeavors. And here about successes it is possible already and to blow for the whole world. Only the results of ones work speak about the talents and intellectual capabilities of a person.

It is necessary to fight for truthfulness, kindness, honesty.

From an early age, the ESI succeeds in behaving in such a manner so that others begin to feel a sense of guilt. She is always confident that she acts ethically and conscientiously. And this confidence is not unwarrented. Nature has bestowed her with the great gift of understanding the ethical, moral aspects of any event in life. No one can better discern than the ESI the inclinations of others towards impropriety, lies, deceit, and treachery.

It sometimes happens that I am disappointed in people.

The ESI forms an opinion about a person exceptionally rapidly. More often than not, there will be a predication as to the extent of baseness or meanness the individual is capable of. And mistaken exaggerations of these forecasts are rare indeed. One twenty-year girl confessed that throughout her entire life, only about two people were initally thought of as worse than they eventually proved to be.

Take her for her word: if the ESI brands a person as “trash,” he most likely is.

I look at people as if through the X-ray

And the intense gaze is really difficult to bear. Therefore the ESI will often shift her eyes from her interlocutor, trying not to look steadily at him.

Such a person wonderfully sees what relations develop between people (including the relation to themselves).

Relations? Sometimes it is well too visible.

If she has noticed someones hostility, she tries not to show that she knows this. She does not love to go to the conflict, she will simply keep away from this person. [ESI] cannot be deceived: after the truth is revealed, the liar will never be able to regain her confidence.

If I shall promise - I shall fulfill even to the detriment of myself. And I expect the same from others.

The theme of human relationships, in general, is very large and is significant for her.

Good relations are better than any strong feelings

Try to tell [ESI] how well you relate to her. At best she will simply shrug her shoulders and shift the conversation from the trifles to the serious themes. She herself everything knows about this. But if you begin to exaggerate the degree of your love for her (i.e., to lisp, in her opinion), you risk being treated to the angry rebuff. A small question to [ESI] type: Whom do you love more - mom or dad? - will cause her to question the intelligence of the asker. And she herself will not speak about love. Her matters speak for her.

The obstinacy of [ESI] has been proverbial. If she is resolved on something - then not even a tank will budge her. In this state any exhortations will bounce off her as if from the wall pea. She can respond to the use of force even more strongly. It is best not to lead situation to the opposition.

The only method to easily and rapidly remove her from the paroxysm of obstinacy - joke or the sharp, unexpected change of its attention: A in you milk ran out To be frank: this distraction method is fairly complicated and does not always work. They can only be successfully used by [LIE], [ESI]s dual: he will be able to defuse situation by joke and assume the narrative after himself.

At least nothing happened!

ESI are great pessimists. In any situation they are inclined to immediately imply the worst. Almost from nowhere they can begin to panic (and gnaw nails). In this case they subconsciously expect their associates to either discharge the situation by joke or reassure them with facts.

Not knowing what can happen in reality, they try to be prepared for worst case scenarios. This, for example, leads to the unprecedented thriftiness for all occasions in life . [ESI] completely arranges situation, what its reserves can be required years it is such through twenty - let it lie!

It is small whether that!

This a little [utrirovanno], but not with what economic situation in the country [ESI] it will begin to buy by grams sausage, oil or sugar - is desirable by sticks, by kilograms and by bags. Real example: in some families (with the moms -[ESI]), until now, are used the reserves of soap and washing powder, stocked up somewhere in the end of the eightieth, when these goods suddenly disappeared from the counters. Can occur to itself, how much [se] then was collected, if these reserves uses the family of several persons for a period of already ten years (for validity, it should be noted that such precaution may result in losses: it often happens that ESI makes major purchases almost a day before the sharp reduction in prices).

In her is a combination of both stinginess and generosity. At the bazaar, she can bypass all vendors until she finds the lowest prices for the desired products - albeit five kopecks cheaper! At the same time, she can neglect consideration of expenses if she wants something special for herself or her family.

We live only once!

Almost it cannot be visited for fifteen minutes in guests [ESI] and so that she would not well and tastefully nourish you. The flat refusal of entertainment by the guest is perceived as disrespect for herself (although she will try not to show this).

[ESI] starts necessary acquaintances well in all cases of life, moreover she values relations with people independent of the height of their positions: she knows that sometimes the patronage loader in the supermarket can be more useful than his director. At the same time, she will have no dealings with even the most necessary of men, if she is antipathetic to them.

A constant expectation of troubles forces her to re-insure. But if troubles actually come and the time comes for her to act - it not to learn. Unknown from where is taken calmness, self-confidence, force and precise (though not always accurate) knowledge of how to act. I live for you

Among the representatives of this type the majority of women. From them leave the loyal wives, thoughtful and strict mothers, devoted to [samozabveniya] to the interests of their family to the point of self-oblivion.

Nothing can force ESI to forget about her duty.

Wife -[ESI] can be terribly scolded with her husband, but continue to look after him- to prepare food, watch over the health, etc. But when she sees that he has sincerely understood his fault and wants to atone for it (though did not express this outwardly), she will easily be the first to make a step towards reconciliation and sincerely forgive him. True, she will never forget this case, but she will not remind one of it either.

[ESI] feels enormous subconscious responsibility for the health of her close ones.

There would be health, and everything else will follow!

She would rather renounce her convenience than than endanger the well-being of her household. All her efforts are aimed at preventing situations dangerous for their health. She always wants to reserve the last word in these questions. For [ESI], for example, is very characteristic the phrase: You may not consider me your mom, but to bathe you will not go! But if someone nevertheless falls ill, [ESI] begins to live in the special regime - maximum propitiousness to patient and not a moment of rest and relaxation for themselves. And so she can live her entire life in a constant state of tension and with full dedication.

I get accustomed to his pain, even I will endure, but man from this becomes more easily.

Comfort and cosiness she also creates greater to someone, than to herself. Even as a patient with fever, [ESI] will nevertheless be occupied as usual by domestic matters: when all come home in the evening, the house must be orderly, also, on the table stand hot supper.

But if you are of the opinion that ESI requires nothing in return from her associates, then you are mistaken. She is simply too proud to ask. We now have talk a bit about her needs.

What? How? When?

ESI need information on what, how, and when things should be done.

Her mood rises when she learns to make as fast as possible, and she carries out her work more easily. She is subconsciously oriented to the peak efficiency of any business undertakings, to indispensable success. If ESI is condemned to such work in which she does not manage to excel in any way, it deprives her life of sense and pleasure.

In ESIs life is necessary the partner who easily copes with a wide variety of business problems, does not give in to difficulties, can find a way out of difficult situations, and is always ready to share his habits and skills with her. And she, in turn, will teach him how to organize his affairs with people so that nobody would be in the offense. In addition to this, she still needs information on the timeliness of any action. She does not always see when it is better to take one step or another, and because of it she is obligatory, even in the trifle, yes will miscalculate. Someone must warn her of possible dangers and, furthermore, propose tangible ways to avoid them. There is a little nuance: it is necessary to warn only about the nearest dangers. If ESI is given time to be prepared for their arrival, this expectation only will wind herself and she will start to panic.

Alone to it with all these problems to not consult. And if to her really will help, will test though externally and poorly appreciable, but it is direct shchenjachju pleasure. Her gratitude for such help - unselfish love.

And in friendship and love, she is exclusively devoted to the partner; in no case will she change him for the best option. For the sake of love and worthy business, she is ready to go to the edge of the world with him. Faithfulness to me is ALL

She does not accept any love triangles; that, whom she loves, to divide not with whom it is going and herself also it does not divide. One-piece nature. She returns love (and debt) completely and selflessly. If she loves - she is ready to do everything for the person. If she hates - it is difficult to reconvince her.

She does not love to mix up friendly relations with the business: friendship above all else. In the choice of friends she aspires not to quantity, but to quality. Greatly she values friendship and does not pardon treachery. In this respect she is a terrible extremist. For [ESI], the skill to evaluate the moral and human qualities of people is as natural as to breathe. She more than anyone else sees how much evil there is in people. She is able to carry out practically always accurate conclusion about a person according to the first impression.

Evil must be punished

Evil for her is not some abstract, “philosophical,” region of theorization. Evil pertains to a concrete ethical situation, to the immoral actions of an individual or collective entity. It always has a name to the ESI, and perhaps even a face. Evil must be destroyed, of this she has no doubt. It can be said that she devotes her entire life to this purpose, whether or not this is done as a result of a conscious endeavor.

Her tactics in combating evil are largely defensive in nature. She raises protective walls around herself and “her” people: impenetrable fortresses which will, she believes, prevent evil from infiltrating into her world. Indeed, this is done specifically with regard to her world, as the ESI has an excellent appreciation for the fact that to battle with the totality of evil in this world is to condemn herself to defeat from the very onset of the struggle. She therefore draws a firm, fixed boundary around herself, beyond which those close to her are placed safely out of harm’s way.

While she tries not to intervene in matters happening outside of this sphere of protection, she continually demonstrates the readiness to immediately respond to any aggression directed against those within it. If the boundary established by her should nevertheless be breached, her reaction will prove to be not necessarily as terrible and as “brutal” as she had tried to depict; nevertheless she will persistently push out the “aggressor” beyond the limits of her territory. Nothing will stop her in this fight. She will fight “to the death”; it is not possible to force her to surrender. After recapturing what is “hers,” she may end the battle without fully solidifying her triumph over her adversary. Because of this, her tactical victory could ultimately result in her defeat.

The ESI will never be the one to initiate conflict, she will not pursue the enemy if he retreats, and all the more to beat recumbent. Her tactics consists in deducing the opponent from the combat-effective state after causing the least amount of harm.

The ESI is a rare blend of preeminent morality and dogged perseverance.

Functional description

First Function: Relational Ethic

Excellent understanding of the diverse nuances of human interaction. Error-free understanding of the others relation to herself. Conception of life as the battleground between good and evil. The quest to eradicate evil. Moralism, extremism, ethical purity.

Second Function: Volitional Sensing

The ability to vigorously defend their rights and interests. The continuous, enduring drive to convince others to abide by the principles of morality. Persistent and uncompromising struggle against the evils in life. Demanding expectations for themselves and others. Successful resistance of volitional pressure. Readiness to aggressively protect what is theirs; purposefulness, stubborness, obstinacy.

Third Function: Structural Logic

The endeavor to understand the interrelation of events. The aspiration to be informed. Demonstration of logicality and reasonableness. Persistent studiousness, internal insecurity of their knowledge. Thinking is thorough and penetrating, but not particularly flexible.

Fourth Function: Intuition of Possibilities

Insufficient understanding of the significance of what is happening around them, as well as of their abilities and talents. Rejection of any assessment of their innate capabilities. Rejection of ambiguity and imprecision of any interpretations and definitions. Unrealizable dream that the world around them would be clear and simple. Impossibility to live under conditions of uncertainty. Categorical judgments, full refusal of ambiguities, a constant expectation of troubles.

Fifth Function: Business logic

They strive to, but lack the knowledge of how to execute matters with maximum efficiency. Absence of business accumen. Subconsciously waits for their associates to help them solve their problems. Fondness for enterprising and clever people. Noncritical adherence to others business advice. High working capacity with low productivity, the passive expectation of aid.

Sixth Function: Intuition of Time

Weak understanding of the possible succession of events. Insufficient ability to foresee probable dangers. Inadequate foresight of reality. Interest in the proceeding events. The desire to always know the time required for the results of their work. The overestimated or underestimated rates. Understanding of the value of time, desire to be punctual.

Seventh Function: Emotional Ethic

Subconscious tendency to pay attention to the mood of surrounding people. Ability to see the present feelings under affected gaiety. Ability to create necessary attitude for another person by rather rough behavior. Concern for supporting the good mood of loved ones. Reluctance to adjust its feelings under the mood of other people. Distrustful attitude to the demonstration of “happiness,” restraint in the manifestation of emotions.

Eighth Function: Experiential Sensing

Persistent effort to create comfortable living conditions for those around her. Selfless protection of the health and physical condition of such people. Uncompromising fight with the bad habits of close people. Offense in case of complete absence of appreciation from their party for the care of them. Cleanliness that approaches fastidiousness, aspiration to the order, readiness to come to the aid.