Socioscope ESE¶
Ethical sensory extrotim (Hugo)¶
All will be well, and maybe even better!
In order to describe the ESE, should be reserved as a greater number of exclamation points. And do not be afraid! to put them! anywhere!
The world is beautiful and amazing!¶
Hi! I ESE. I love it when all the fun and laughs.
ESE is easily recognized by its publish noise. Everything about him - talk, laugh, cry, even a whisper - a half times louder than it would like others. He’s talking and laughing in his sleep.
In general, I have been called some yazykatoy and talkative and I have loose tongue and ask - if it does not hurt me.
Small ESE is able to cry for hours (with a break for sleep), reaching up to the fact that, in the end, the very forgets because of what his tears.
I like to cry, but to see that I was crying, and I regret it.
And no one else can go faster than him from the bitter tears of joyful laughter. The older it is, the less and less likely he will cry, why, after all …
Life is beautiful … and if something goes wrong, then so be it. All that was going on - all the better. Nothing adds up.
He is an incorrigible optimist. No matter how bad he is, deep down, he is sure that this is just a prelude to a bright future, which is necessary (and may already be about to) come. At the sight of the sad, sad people around he’s ready to do everything in his power just to amuse them. And then his own mood, facial expression, topic of conversation, something tasty treats - all serve this purpose. Even capable of intentionally blurt out nonsense - if only everyone else laughed.
I love it when I can bring happiness to more people. And if it works, it’s a small victory for me.
The only luxury - the luxury of human communication¶
ESE can not be longer than fifteen minutes alone. The very thought of it causes him pain. He always has a lot of friends and a few real friends. With people, it converges quickly and easily.
I can not stay long with himself alone, when I get bored.
ESE loves:
talk, talk, laugh.
Tasty meal.
But I would not say that I am a foodie.
Travel, holidays, outings - and to participate in and organize.
I want the sea.
Animals - dogs, frogs, cows, elephants - almost all (in this list can fall except spiders).
Entertain, to give gifts to please people.
Smart, interesting people.
Do something with your own hands - cooking, cleaning, messing around in the car and so on.
Spend the money.
And the money and need to spend it!
Beauty and order.
High quality and beautiful things.
And I succeed.
“Bother” the silent people.
I love it when everything is fair and equal.
I do not like:
herd, stupidity;
I do not like to appear weak;
I can not stand when I show them what to do;
nelyublyu nothing special;
I do not like injustice.
I’m not yelling!¶
The strongest and most of its property - emotion. Externally, it is expressed in its high volume. ESE himself is not aware, believing he was talking normally. You can often hear conversations such as: - Do not cry! - I did not cry!
If ESE just said - the interlocutor it may seem a cry, if screaming - to think that he was screaming. He should keep this in mind when communicating with people.
ESE is very talkative. He can carry on a conversation for hours, in which the part of the interlocutor are heard every five minutes, one word answers. Another dialogue him and present difficult. It can endlessly tell that to him today was where he was, he saw that delicious eating and how it can be better prepared. And its very very frustrating situation, where he can not put a word in another similar “dialogue.”
Request to speak more quietly or shut up he sees almost as a denial of “human rights.” ESE can force others to reckon with it, using only his voice box. And his companion to come to terms with the fact that in the last sentence of every conversation will remain for the ESE.
By the way, if it is in a familiar environment is silent more than half (unless, of course, not sleeping), which means it trouble, he is tired or ill.
From the wealth of feelings and emotions ESE prefers happy. Life is short - so why spend it on sadness and depression? He did not like to be upset for a long time, you know does not allow this.
Violently and tragically ESE only reacts to such problems, which, in his view, are the alarm bells coming future major trouble (from the point of view of almost all the other people, this situation may not be worth a damn.) In this case, splashing out for a few minutes of tears and emotions enough for a couple of Mexican soap operas.
ESE is able to understand the face, voice is the mood and feeling. Their emotional pressure he can find out even the most secretive people, because of what they are going through, then to help them cheer up.
He constantly (not on purpose) are born funny words. This happens when he’s in the conversation could not immediately recall the correct word, and emotions just overwhelm it and make it impossible to even think about a second. And then instead of “mixture” says “Burd-Murdo,” instead of “gravel” - “schebetenka” instead of “Bill Clinton” - “Damn Clinton.”
Everything should be nice and cozy¶
Although his cheerful emotion and is the most powerful feature of his, he appreciates it less than other abilities. Personally, he probably considers his greatest talent the ability to put things around the beauty and order.
It tastes great, is almost always clothing, hair, and makeup beautiful and aesthetic. Can alter the old thing into something new and nice. With the success enjoyed jewelry, ornaments, various trinkets. Always trying to make the festivity to your look.
These abilities uses not only for themselves but also for others. Can any of the “small gray mouse” to make a “princess”. First time picking up a pair of scissors will do almost professional haircut.
Others should listen to his advice on how to change the appearance.
As a child, he was not very particular about the order in his things, but … Twelve years after it took him more and more. Over time, a variety of household chores are beginning to give him a lot of fun. Let’s just say it is very difficult to find the ESE, which would house uncomfortable or messy. Moreover, in questions about it sometimes becomes a domestic tyrant, able to arrange a storm because someone had dropped a crumb on the floor. But if others will respect its work and fulfill its requirements (which are generally reduced to calling “Do not litter”), then, regardless of the income of the family, the house will be the beauty and order. If his family has no money for repairs, it can - at will! - Spend for this purpose his scholarship in a few months, carefully stored in store.
Cleanliness and comfort he needs in order to be nice to live and work. And not only him but also his family.
He likes to eat. Can catch the subtle taste for other details, and it helps him a great cook. For example, he can read the recipe for any dish, to assess its future taste.
Food “from the ESE” always original, tasty and plentiful. Repeat does not like, will always try to bring to the old recipe is something new.
It likes to serve a festive table: beautiful will put dishes, unusually folded his napkin, pick up a cup, and so on and so forth (and then it will be just asking for praise). He likes to invite guests and walk-in guests who likes to give gifts (even more than to receive.)
Speaking of gifts, if you want to please the ESE, give him something big and colorful. What is it - does not matter.
Just look at what I business!¶
Even in school ESE concludes that life requires advanced competencies. And he starts to slowly look closely, who and how he does, and learns from the enterprising masterovityh people, pays attention to a variety of recommendations in this area, which now appears much. This interest ESE does not advertise, does not all for show, but for himself. But if someone starts to teach him “how to live”, ESE sees it “in arms”.
ESE as it feels that others expected of him demonstrating efficiency, so likes to show off their skills in this area. And girls and boys turn up their noses, proud that they can repair the machine, adjust the TV that they easily managed and with a soldering iron and a screwdriver. Deep down, however, they are not so confident in their abilities.
Criticize his work to the principle: “You, of course, well done, but there is a little overlooked.” In this situation, it is better not to give the outside vent to his feelings, talk calmly and kindly. It would not be good to give him a constructive business advice.
They prefer to work more hands, they like to see the direct result of their work. They are not afraid of hard physical work, their hands were growing “where necessary.” They usually make good.
But they have one problem: very much like to spend money. Often even throw them to the wind, to the point that the ESE can refuse the discount offered by the seller itself!
However, then he begins to realize that we need to save money. He has periods when it is ready, as the saying goes, “a penny strangle”: the market will trade in such a way that the seller himself almost have not paid him, if only he finally left behind. But the periods of austerity again replaced, usually tranzhirstvom.
By his relation to the money you can judge whether he is currently a problem or not. If he scattered them - a sure sign that he had serious problems (and not necessarily in the business, the roots can go anywhere). And that means that he can not cope alone with them and waiting for help from others.
Norm for him - the ability to independently manage your budget, do not get into debt, do not do a useless waste (eg, for prestige or glamor). And also - to spend on their families for more than himself.
And we’re not going to be late?¶
Do not be late. We all have time.
ESE can not live without a clock. He is on the beach with tans. Without them, he almost can not tell the time. It comes right up to the jokes. For example, one ESE always at the same time, at half past six, comes home from classes. Arrived, changed clothes, supper. Then someone asked her the time, well, she blurted out: “for five hours.” Home about it is still remembered.
He hates it when he deliberately say the wrong time or if you do not consider it necessary to be exact. He does not like slow-moving people.
Scary is not love, if late to meet him. Counts himself as hard a time and can stay for an hour or an hour early to go.
It is very difficult to distribute their time, but I want to be able to.
But it in no way be rushed, customized, ask to make faster, or, conversely, slower. It will end only scandal.
Can not wait. If you wanted something, you need it right away and immediately!
Does not like to have to change our plans already.
I’ve tuned in to one, then another, and so I can not!
What a smart people I respect!¶
He has very strong logic there, but there is a strong desire for it and its bearers. One of the greatest pleasures for ESE - when he tells something interesting. In this case, it can even be silent, afraid to knock his interlocutor with a topic and a desire to talk.
I love smart people (but not arrogant, and not those who boast of their mind.) They are quiet, but if they have something to say, especially if something is logical and philosophical, it’s class! I am ready to listen to him and help.
He is not afraid to admit he does not know anything - and suddenly tell you about it now! Could easily throw in a dispute following: “Yes, I know I can seem stupid, but not to the same degree!”
To convince him of something, need not emotions and hardness, and the rationale (even if they are wrong - he himself is difficult to judge.)
ESE respects brevity. Summarily tire him by the end of a long supply it can simply forget about what happened in the beginning.
“Smart” His words are fascinating. Can repeat them then just for fun. And at the oral exam, no matter how well he may know the subject, they all take off somewhere and left alone interjection. And then, instead of the word “continuous” appears “well, is - oo-oo-oo-oo,” and instead of “periodic” - “Tu. Tu. Tu.” It is clear, as is your response to teachers.
In order to adequately assess the level of knowledge of the representatives of this type should be used only written test without time restrictions .
And why not?¶
This is one of the most popular questions ESE, which he sets all others. Subconsciously, he is confident that everything in this world has a meaning, and let someone explain it. Nonsense (films with strange ending, abstract art, answers “therefore”) to annoy him.
He likes people who can provide answers to his endless “why.” But this is not enough. They have yet to formulate a question that turns on his tongue, and puts all of his “oo-oo-oo-oo” and “Tu. Tu. Tu” to human language.
ESE - one of the few types that do not take offense if his speech is corrected.
He is not convinced of the truth of their judgments, so almost all the issues relies on the fact that this other people think. Opinion it is more important for the team of their own, and there is no such nonsense, which he would not accept “for the company.” It is very difficult to develop their own values, and so he uses other people. The main criterion in choosing the principles of life - the number of people who follow them. For example, ESE, it seems, just can not come up with the idea not to drink if his entourage “respects” the case.
One of the most serious problems of the ESE - is that others do not take seriously his problem. If he complains about something, they think it’s all nonsense, he makes mountains out of molehills, etc. Of course, no one has the right not only help, but often do not even listen to what he claims. This much it hurt, but it hurt too unnoticed.
We are responsible for those who tamed¶
ESE is a very responsible attitude to their relationship with people. It should be said that this responsibility is not realized, almost instinctive. On the topic of morality and decency does not like to and not able. Can not long be angry and sulk - even if he wants it. He does not like to be with someone in a quarrel. Could easily take the first step towards reconciliation. He does not break the relationship, and if the partner leaves, catch up with him and find out what happened.
Hard to tolerate cheating, dishonesty and injustice. Can not cheat. He always says what he thinks. Trust of the people - the norm for him. As a child may make the house an unknown uncle mother’s gold, even as an adult, gypsy stretch your wallet, if she asks.
I believe that all will be well, because it can not be otherwise. Good must win.
Speech at ESE coarse, it often rewards its close not too flattering description, using the names of domestic animals, and is not the most intelligent members of the human race. He has an interesting quality: he never can dress down in earnest. All his explosions of anger and righteous indignation others seem pretty funny joke, which he invented specifically for their entertainment. Attempt to swing his fist is Homeric laughter, and if someone and get a couple of blows, he is a risk of dying … laughing, ESE understands that it is perceived sometimes as a clown, but most of it did not hurt much.
Well I will not leave you on!¶
As for the strength of will, ESE may not know if she had. It strangely mixed compliance and impenetrable, disorder and continued persistence in achieving goals.
For example, he is very diligent, hard-working. Able every day to sit for hours for lessons! But this is not a consequence of a strong will, and underlying fear not keep up (literally and figuratively). In fact, he just can not bring myself to break away from work, even if you are already tired.
Since it’s pretty close stubborn. ESE is a child not to feed in what he does not want to eat. If he’s not in the mood, it is virtually impossible to get anything done. But others simply can “sit on his head.” The school feeding polklassa his sandwiches because he can not refuse, even those who deny him.
We can say that he does not know how to use their will to itself, except that it completely cornered. But the situation changes drastically, if someone violates the rights of others. He gives a sharp and strong resistance invader, do not hesitate a second, as if “the machine.” In this case, it can actually “grab a stranglehold” and keep up with until you get the respect of others’ rights.
Very caring when it comes to the health of our families (as opposed to his own, to which it applies a little “slack”). He tirelessly interested in everything that can benefit them (names of drugs - the only “smart” words that he never forgets), has spared no effort or time or money on their treatment. Moreover: few can afford to deviate from the treatment regimen, if this treatment is engaged ESE.
All this he does unconsciously, without wasting words, but somewhere deep down is very proud of him.
Functional description¶
First function: the ethics of emotions
Bright and strong emotion, joy. Understanding the most hidden emotions of others. The ability to create around themselves a joyous and festive mood. Raising the vitality of surrounding people. Emotional pressure. Talkativeness. The desire to avoid negative emotions. Humourist, chatterbox, “speaker”.
The second function: sensory experiences
Understanding the beauty of the world. The wealth of experiences. The desire to make life more beautiful and enjoyable. The ability to create comfort and order. Good taste. Creating beauty with their hands. Ability to maintain order in their appearance and surroundings, the willingness to give practical advice to others. Aesthetics, festivity and beauty.
The third function: the business logic
Desire to look businessman. Desire and ability to work with his hands. Skills acquisition and repair of various simple mechanisms. External recognition of self-confidence in the internal failure of their business abilities. The pattern in the performance of certain activities, handicrafts, critique distasteful business.
The fourth function: the intuition of time
Inability to structure their time to count your steps in time. Extremely negative attitude to what others violate the rhythm of life. Inability to quickly change their plans. Fear of the inevitable passage of time. Emotional rejection sluggish people. Hurry, bustle, any criticism only makes the situation worse.
The fifth function: the logic of relations
Relaxed attitude to his own lack of development of logical thinking. Love of justice and fairness. Trust in other people’s statements about the truth. Inability and unwillingness to independently extract the desired information. Confidence in its own right to receive any information from other people. Resentment at life in the event of insufficient awareness of all phenomena of the world. Illogical behavior, gullibility.
The sixth function: Intuition opportunities
Hesitant attempts to learn independently determine the meaning and significance of the events of his life. Willingness to accept foreign assistance in this regard. Passive interest in the bizarre and mysterious. Inquiries all around “what is it?”. High activity and efficiency in the performance of work, the importance of which he will explain. An underlying belief in the existence of the “meaning of life.” Optimist, dilettante.
Seventh function: the ethics of relations
Unwillingness to spoil relations with people. Willingness to compromise. The ability to easily forgive. The desire to have good relations with all people. Coarse language. Ability to understand the unspoken desires of loved ones. Confidence in the correctness of their actions and their own tact. Complete unacceptability of any criticism or wishes in his address. Friendliness, rudeness, sometimes tactless behavior.
Eighth function: volitional sensing
Constant readiness to protect the people around them and reflect the physical aggression against them. The use of physical force only to protect people. Failure to strike the first blow. Fundamental unwillingness to put other people depending on you. Willingness to give his all to others. Inability to defend himself, to have his own. The desire not to disclose his physical strength, peace, generosity, the defender of “defenseless.”