Socioscope EIE¶
Ethical Intuitive Extratim (EIE, Hamlet)¶
“You think you know me?
You will never know me!”
Hamlet is the most mystically-inclined type in the socion. It only seems that he lives here upon this culpable, sinful earth. In actuality he lives more fully in his own inner, spiritual world.
If we look at things on the ordinary, everyday level, then before us will appear simply a nervous person who (clumsily) drops everything. But this level, a level which is quite frustrating even to himself, only to a small degree reflects the true nature of the EIE.
Live with danger and die with glory¶
In ancient China there was a curse: “May you live in interesting times.” Indeed, cultural disturbances, wars, revolutions, and other critical epochs are interesting only when you read about them or see them portrayed in films. However, to actually live during such times – this is a bane to all.
That is, to all except the ethical-intuitive extravert.
And this is no coincidence. Indeed, the EIE considers colorful, dramatic, romantic emotions the most significant assets of his soul. If there is no strife or turmoil present, Hamlet will masterfully create it. He is always internally primed to act on impulse, to succumb to mutinous desires, as it is, for him, difficult to sit completely still for several seconds.
Outwardly he is usually calm and placid, but beneath the surface he is constantly seething. He possesses rich imagination. He involves himself with all that is beautiful and particularly mysterious.
I simply cannot live if there is no purpose, if I am to sit idly without any obstacles to overcome.
Anyone, even fleeting, he attempts to return a feeling up to the end. Semitones, the life of half-strength; dull, vapid feelings – these are almost a crime to him.
Incidentally, this makes it easy for Hamlet enter into the state of passion: to casual observers it seems that at that point, he can notice nothing but the red flag which causes him the explosion of emotions. In this state he is capable of almost everything: fortunately, it lasts for no more than a few seconds. In this case, one should rapidly switch his attention to another equally attractive, but less dangerous object. Two strong emotions in his soul do not get along simultaneously.
Either all or nothing¶
In all of his life fire and ice war within his soul – but his heat does not warm, but rather burns, and his cold does not cool, but freezes instead.
The rebellious spirit of the EIE requires the blessing of God. Most likely, it was for the possession and were fighting the forces of good and evil. Unfortunately, with mixed results.
Some representatives of this type, to a greater or lesser extent, represent themselves as elected officials of higher powers, as instruments for achievement of their divine purposes. This, by the way, leads to reduced self-restraint – what is it, if all their actions must answer to those who govern them henceforth?
If Hamlet does not feel the presence of a higher power, it starts to seem to him that his life is incomplete. Therefore he listens with fixed, rapt attention to the entirety of strange, unusual, and mysterious occurances happening around him – and suddenly the long-awaited sign of God’s prompt? And if this is true, what exactly does He want from him? How to find the truth?
Incidentally, Hamlet may not believe in God, but he will nevertheless be confident in the existence of the devil.
Fate and passion is the essence of life. Yes! And power!¶
Meanwhile EIE at any age does not transfer supporting parts, does not like to submit. Prefers to be the ideological leader among the comrades. It externally imperceptibly tightens to itself(himself) suitable people with whom it would like to deal. Most of all from them it respects ordered, purposeful, able to achieve the .
I like to take from them for myself the necessary information.
The concept “company” for EIE sacred, will protect “” up to the end (or while they will not cease to be “”).
About what EIE spoke, its information has, as a rule, tendentious character. With its help it it is masterful manipulates associates. Before the organized group of people it becomes more cautious, its elements - crowd, which it perceives as a material for achievement of the (not always advertised) the purposes. It is able to feel practically instantly its mood and to direct it to the necessary party for itself(himself).
If people in confusion, indecision, only it can rescue a situation from a failure, having caused at them the necessary emotions. To it under force to inspire their and stories behind itself.
Possessing congenital artistic talent, ” on public ” EIE organically enters into the necessary image. On a tribune during meeting it lives a full life. To it it is easy zazhech people, to cause in them enthusiasm.
EIE enough early understands advantages of high position and authority. Already at school starts to think of the future career. Authority for EIE - first of all authority above people: that as much as possible people submitted to it, and above it them was as small as possible. We shall tell, if EIE director of any enterprise it is engaged not actually in manufacture, and supervises over its workers: closely watches their moods, the most important is engaged in incessant rearrangements of the staff and, emotionally carries away them behind itself to new victories and achievements.
I do not play other people’s games - I play my game¶
Those who are critical of his goal|purpose cause him [the strongest hostility|severe aversion]. They are automatically labelled as traitors and turncoats. He revenges them delicately and elegantly.
Hamlet shrouds every person who falls into his field of vision in an invisible cloak under which they unwittingly become guinea pigs, deprived of any opportunity to defend themselves. Hiding behind the mask of goodwill, he skillfully extracts necessary information from the interlocutor. He skillfully uses sincere interest, intrigue, and cunning for this purpose. In general, any means is resorted to.
It does not matter how I obtain the necessary information – the result is what matters.
Such information is vital to Hamlet. It is not easy for the interlocutor to resist his “magical” influence. Hamlet must not only “calculate” potential enemies and competitors, but to also always have a potential scapegoat near at hand in case events start to develop in an unfavourable direction.
Such people are more likely to become internally independent person. First, they cannot provide the necessary information. Second, they are difficult to understand. Hence, they are automatically enlisted as “unreliable”. But people “with their own mind” in particular discompose Hamlet.
Hamlet recognizes the right to exclusive feeling only for himself.
You must understand that something is not right here¶
He possesses the ability to find problems for himself [on the flat place|just at home]. Silence, calmness, and well-being disgust|irritate him.
It is boring when nothing happens.
In such a situation he may start to intrigue just like that, without specific purpose. He will fan|inflate a conflict because of a joke or will pursue relations. In quiet situations it is difficult for Hamlet to stimulate himself to action in any business.
The family of Hamlet is the foundation. That is where order (no chaos and confusion) must prevail|reign. Everything must be in (their rightful) place. In all situations, Hamlet demands full confidence from his relatives in the way he assesses other people: “Trust me, but do not take his argument into account. You are to choose either him or our family!”
Family turmoil – the most dramatic events for him. He zealously preserves the foundations of his family “fortress”, does not condone|pardon adultery and betrayal. The child-Hamlet very badly transfers scandals of parents and all the more their divorce. It can leave emotional scars in him.
Hamlet is also engaged in the process “of sharing on the validity” with pleasure. In the family, he clearly divides responsibilities between members of the household and closely watches for their precise fulfillment. The result is not so much important as the process. For example, one Child [EIE] hung out for his brother, with whom he lived in one room, a schedule for cleaning, and also for walking dogs. In these matters, improvisation is unacceptable for him.
Hamlet feels the world of materiality badly. He is in dire need of concrete and silent care from his associates of the physical conditions of (his) existence. He does not like it, for example, then they inquire after his health and spirits.
This alarms me. If they pursue this, then it would be desirable to [fill a muzzle|gag them].
Everyday life and food for Hamlet is a responsbility with he would gladly shift onto someone else. If he has to assume it nonetheless, then he tries to manage with the extreme minimum of affairs.
He attentively relates to the impression that his appearances makes on his surroundings. He believes that he must look attractive, [to be always be at height (at his peak?)|always look his best]. He prefers classical but stylish clothes; he is very much involved with the style of military uniforms. He likes to apply extravagant accessories. The colors in clothing and cosmetics are mainly bright and catchy.
Food is never a cult for Hamlet. This for him is a rather tiresome obligation [on the maintenance of forces]. He prefers food that are sharp, causing strong tastes.
In five minutes I no longer remember that I ate.
He is very sensitive to the health of his loved ones. This is particularly noticeable when he is sick. The treatment of the household will be organized at the highest level.
Hamlet will not take another’s thing without demand|permission; in someone else’s house he will not even dare to move the chair on which he sits to a more convenient location.
It goes without saying that I am right!¶
When you listen EIE, the impression, that before you umudrennaja life experience the person is made. When you will look at its acts it is possible to be seized by a head - logically they do not give in to any explanation. Illogicalness of its behaviour frequently gets also its most in deadlock.
It is necessary to tell what get in deadlock EIE can only on own fault. Anybody another cannot tire out it in a corner, it will always manage to be turned out: to leave from impact, to substitute another or to hang all dogs on the most attacking. In such situations EIE it is practically unsinkable. How many its time managed to be put on both lopatki, it will selflessly convince all spectators, that it was its triumphal victory, until then while all in it really will be not not believed. A secret of persuasiveness that it and itself during this moment sincerely trusts in it.
During the fight the Victory all the same can spend very effective brain washing of the opponent of type ” will for me! “.
What, slippery I?
It loves not a simple victory, and effective, with fireworks and fanfares, and at any cost aspires to it.
For example, in cards it all time tries to hang up to the partner of the six (and loses because of it). At the same time sometimes it seems, that it will prefer a quiet victory bright defeat.
To achieve the, can use strong enough means, for example - threat of suicide. Is better will cool emotions confidence of associates that this ” romantic tragedy ” actually not so witty joke; here important precisely to sustain the necessary tone and to not overdo.
Constant doubts and indecision do not allow to develop to the full to its strong-willed qualities. At the same time, if there is a concrete and significant purpose for it, EIE to not stop. Itself EIE the purpose to itself does not put, it searches external filling of the life by sense and the maintenance. To it it and is involved with purposeful, strong-willed people who can incur and the full responsibility for its actions.
In a life there should be an order! What was the head, it is necessary to respect with it as olitsetvorenie this order.
From associates it waits for the order and the law on the basis of which it can construct the life already independently. When EIE enters teenage age, from it it is necessary to demand more, differently at it the vitality goes down and there is a loss of interest to affairs and employment. But it cannot suffer prikaznogo tone: the attitude to it should be valid and correct, without familiarity. EIE at all does not bear slanting sights in the party.
In critical situations EIE operates under influence of feelings and intuitions. During its such moments that sometimes it operates illogically does not interest at all. For example, it can rush - one! - in fight with the whole crowd, not thinking at all about possible consequences. It during this moment does not have any calculation, and it will fight up to the end - or in it will hammer up to polusmerti, or opponents will recede in fear before its recklessness.
Much more circumspectly it operates, if knows, that it should be responsible for own initiative. Here it will make of the decision very cautiously that at any moment it was possible to leave in a shadow. If there is no sanction of higher bodies, it will long tighten acceptance of the important business decision. Someone who confidently would tell is necessary to it: ” Do it! ” - also could prove the words logically.
In work EIE honesty carries out the functional duties in the event that is guided by the checked up techniques.
The enemy is there where nobody is around¶
It concerns to people with suspicion: quickly enough gets confidence, that in a shower of any, even the crystal-clearest and fair person there is a natural predisposition to meanness, meanness and bribability and in suitable conditions it necessarily comes up outside. It likes to cause people on frankness to probe possible ” a degree of their meanness “.
But its suspiciousness actually only hyperindemnification primary, surprisingly naive, sometimes even any children’s trustfulness. It is born with belief in people. But in a real life, getting often because of it vprosak, it starts to suspect others that they always hold against it a stone in the bosom.
As EIE the born strategist and the fine actor in the speech it tries to not suppose statements which finally can turn back against it. But if someone then will blame for its words to it, it absolutely easy and can unperturbably refuse them.
Generally people of this type are more tremendous are hardy and practically unsinkable. They even can is thin to feel approach of the natural abnormal phenomena. The natural circle of their interests includes mysticism, magic, religion. All of them, to a greater or lesser extent, trust in destiny, able to notice fatal accidents and concurrences in vital artful designs and dramaticheski to tell about it to associates. Words “fate”, “fatal” constantly sound in their speech.
In any company EIE, externally imperceptibly and silently, is able to put itself in the center of attention, as though draws associates to itself, drawing of their attention the original behaviour. And it really is able to submit itself(himself) as the non-standard, not ordinary person. At its presence it is difficult to continue to be engaged in the private affairs, especially if it has put before itself(himself) a definite purpose.
In skill “to infect” other people strong, sometimes even passionate, desire to achieve under its management of its own Purpose - main force EIE. It, as magnifying glass, concentrates another’s aspirations and directs their all energy there where itself considers it necessary.
In aspiration to reach Purpose EIE will not stop before what, and never, under no circumstances it does not recognize itself(himself) won.
An Overview¶
First Function: Emotional Ethic
Vivid, colorful, dramatic emotionalism. Rich abundance of sincere experiences and feelings. Inclination toward the dramatization of events. Ability to accurately gauge of the mood of others and to influence it. Ability to induce emotions in himself and others, management of another’s emotional condition. Propensity to provoke powerful reactions and impressions in others and to be thus affected himself. Romanticism, passion and fervency, elements of tragedy, maximalism, mirth and jocundity.
Second Function: Intuition of Time
Skill to see succession of events and to approach the necessary moment. Desire and skill to fill the life and a life of surrounding people bright and significant events. Good sensation of time. Ability of a prediction of a possible outcome of a situation. Aspiration economically to use time. Fatal destiny, impetuosity.
Third Function: Business logic
Understanding of necessity of professionalism. Independent search of new receptions and ways of actions. Adherence to already tested and reliable methods of work. Studying of the mechanism of activity of other people. Sometimes sensation of uncertainty and insufficiency of the business abilities. SHablonnost in behaviour, conservatism, unwillingness to perceive criticism in the address.
Fourth Function: Experiential Sensing
Obvious priority spiritual before corporal. Basic refusal of well-being for the sake of self-affirmation. The desire whenever possible to avoid the ordinary of a life and household cares. Categorical aversion of any estimation of the appearance from associates. Aspiration to not deliver to other people of troubles in questions of their health and a life. Eccentricity, ignoring of the physical needs, sometimes ascetism.
Fifth Function: Structural Logic
Following to laws of the system adequating to criteria of its expediency. Expectation from people of system thinking and predictability of behaviour. Aspiration to the order in own life and in a society. Categorical aversion of the disorder and lawlessness. Primitive logic.
Sixth Function: Volitional Sensing
Respect of purposeful and strong people. Desire precise oformlennosti all phenomena of world around. Aversion of instability and uncertainty of any situation or position. Decrease in a vitality at the lowered insistence from associates. The big respect for “integral” (purposeful) people.
Seventh Function: Relational Ethic
Following to the norms of politeness accepted in a society. Constant latent supervision over moral qualities of other people. Propensity to fast conclusions about their moral potential, absence of readiness to change the first impression. Unwillingness to listen to another’s advice. Unshakable confidence of own correctness. Skill to gain people, the suspiciousness which is sometimes not noticed by it impoliteness.
Eighth Function: Intuition of Possibilities
Enduring interest in mysticism, occultism, and in new scientific studies and advancements. Search for new areas of application for his unique talents and aptitudes. Extensive but perhaps slightly superficial erudition. Quick, correct, but incomplete understanding of the internal essence of others. Constant readiness to help those close to him correctly assess the fundamental nature and possible consequences of a scenario. Earnestness, prescience, intellectualism.