SEE subtypes ================== Sensory subtype Se-ESFp (Se-SEE) -------------------------------- Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Appearance** The sensory subtype is an authoritative, confident in himself, emotional, and assertive person. Behind his inner restlessness hides a constant thirst for vigorous activity. Inclined to take up too much and frequently ends up wasting his strengths and energies in vain. Despite his best efforts to be diplomatic, at times he's too critical and categorical. Often feels indignant, nonetheless doesn't forget to give compliments. Can look down at this conversation partner, act patronizing, poke at him with prickly jokes. But can also be very kind and courteous, and knows how to keep insisting and persuading someone for a long time, if needed. Possess good artistic sensibilities. Knows how to entertain people. Often he is somewhat thin, looks after his figure, periodically takes up physical exercise and sports. Shifts and changes poses frequently. Eyes are commonly not very large and deep seated. His gestures are impatient, movements seem gusty and nervous. Gait is relaxed or even somewhat shaky and muddled. Speech may be rushed, slightly slurred and too fast. **Character** Has the character of a leader. Self-assured, brave, and active. Flexible in changing his tactics. Orients quickly in a changing situation and adopts creative approaches as events unfold. Energetic and sociable. Knows how to strike up useful contacts. Has difficulty with accurately evaluating abilities and capabilities of people in resolution of concrete tasks, often experiences doubts and hesitation over this, which he prefers not to share with others. Can lead a large team. Resolute in extreme situations and quickly finds means to stabilize the situation. Gravitates towards practical activity. Prefers near-lying, concrete goals that bring some tangible benefits. Tries to improve his competence in his occupation, to raise his own profile and prestige and strengthen his position. In the interest of his business can exert strong pressure on his partners, be overly demanding, and perseverant. The victory must always be attributed to him. Despite the scatteredness of his interests, he tries to bring the most important bulk of work or assignments to completion. Prefers to have freedom of action. Does not recognize strict regulation and control. Dislikes monotony and routine. Due to his tendency towards irritability, may fall into depression. Quickly grows tired of routine and boredom, then seeks change and new experiences. Active and mobile, tries to be always informed about current events. Cautious in new ventures, as he doesn't have a good sense of their prospective future development. Mistrustful of new untested in practice ideas. Strives to understand general patterns and laws that lie behind topics and questions of interest to him, to soberly analyze the situation. Gathers needed information, establishes necessary links, consults with people who are more competent than him. Takes risks only after weighting everything out, but then he acts quickly and decisively. Has strong willpower, endurance, and perseverance in overcoming difficulties, but in the interests of his business is able to agree to temporary compromises. Has a complex and problematic character. Demands that others need to reckon with him, to recognize his authority, to respect him for his business and personal qualities. Sensitive to criticism, admits his own mistakes with great difficulty. Feeling offended by someone, does not take advice, may even act the opposite. Very vulnerable and insufficiently self-critical, thus only praises of his merits and abilities can encourage him to activity. Emotional, impulsive. Due to rapid changes of moods is unpredictable in his behavior: at times he is artistic and demonstrative, other times he is wary, prickly, and provocative. Passes on his moods to people around him. if he is in high spirits, can infect everyone with his optimism, cheer them up with original antics, and inspire any activity; if he is in a bad mood, he prefers to be alone, or to socialize with people who can give him their attention and sympathies. At such times, he is inclined to over-dramatize events. But can bring himself under control despite his soulful discomfort when he needs to find a way out of a crisis situation. Expressive with his feelings. Knows how to deliver compliments. However, for educational purposes, he criticizes more often than he praises, but tries to do it in half-joking manner. As a result of his impressionability, as well as the contradictory nature of his character, it is rare that he achieves an inner balance. Finds it difficult to maintain smooth and stable relationships with other people. In his heart and soul he is a maximalist, and expects more than he can achieve. Thus, he is inclined to often feel disappointed in people who were initially sympathetic to him. Description by Victor Gulenko ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Very active, pressing ahead, enterprising person. Always "holds his sails to the wind". Inclined to venturism, to plays on differences of prices, to risks and games with the law. If he suffers a defeat, he easily withdraws, putting forward other, less flexible partners. This is one of the most unpredictable types. Easily works in trade and mediatory structures, but not in production lines. Sharp changes in moods are characteristic of him: if he feels himself good, then everyone must feel good too, but if he feels himself bad then others must suffer it as well. Strikes up friendships with people at closer personal distances. Can create massive emotional pressuring. A good manager of his household. Can realize himself in service jobs, for example as a waiter at a restaurant, and as an actor, but only of light genres such as comedy or operetta. Easily manipulates with relations, bringing other people closer or farther away from him. Emotionally unstable, for this reason often cannot coexist with others in peace. In case of failure can quickly cause a provocation, then retreat into the shadow. Ethical subtype Fi-ESFp (Fi-SEE) -------------------------------- Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Appearance** Active and mobile person. Willingly strikes up and moves around useful social connections. Knows how to give compliments. Talks about his possibilities and capabilities in much detail before people who are close to him, likes to make an impression. Intimate intonations in his voice, personal charm, and confidential manner of behavior, that predisposes towards trust, allow him to quickly win over his conversation partners. Often has convex eyes. His gestures are smooth and confident. His poses seem a tad relaxed. Inclined to dress unconventionally, brightly and extravagantly. Even if he has round forms and inclination to excess weight, doesn't feel insecure over this and dresses in anything that he likes to wear. Likes to sit in somewhat scattered pose. His gait is elastic, prideful. Holds himself confidently, even authoritatively alike a patron towards others. **Character** Has good organizational skills. Inclined to expand the circle of his acquaintances and the field of his activity. Very curious. Strives to be aware of what is going on, and, given the opportunity, likes to show off his awareness of events. Interested in new approaches for resolution of various problems and willingly promotes them. Facilitates the introduction of new ideas into practice. Uses his authority and influence. Purposeful, but flexible in relationships. Prefers to reach agreements on mutually beneficial terms. Exhibits large scope in his endeavors. Prefers to solve emerging problem right away, else he can get distracted and then cool off towards them. Inclined to take up many things at once, but doesn't manage to finish everything due to lack of time, lack of interest, or his moods. Has a poorly developed sense of measure, wants to do more than is possible. Scattering his time and efforts on minor tasks, may miss out on those that are more important and necessary. With difficulty discerns general patterns and trends, so it can take on risky projects. Realizes his projects into reality with much enthusiasm. Being defeated, does not lose heart and soon finds a new application to his abilities. A manager with good diplomatic skills. Able to persuade and mobilize other people, to inspire them to some new business, or set others against someone who hinders his interests. Usually, gets along well with everyone. In conversation he is polite, courteous, gentle and kind. Delivers plenty of compliments. Predisposes towards trust, creates an atmosphere of intimacy and sincerity. Tries not to bring quarrels to a serious resolution, can hold himself back in time. His democratic behavior, easygoing manner, and personal charisma help him win the sympathy of others. In the society, he is often in the spotlight. Loves to tell about and to discuss various recent events and news. Knows how to entertain his companions. In need of admiration and recognition, as this stimulates him to even greater activity and enterprise. Despite the fact that he makes an impression of being a frank and sincere person, this openness has limits beyond which he doesn't allow other people. Only a few people enjoy having his full confidence. In business he is practical and calculating. Always knows precisely what he wants. Formally he may listen to advice, but makes decisions ??independently. Not economical in small things, but cautious when it comes to large expenditure of material resources. At home, he is accurate and neat, willingly tackles household problems. Requires cleanliness and order from people close to him. Looks after his health and his appearance. Aesthete, likes to dress with taste, values coziness and comfort. Very attentive towards people who are close to him, constantly takes care of them. Description by Victor Gulenko ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Places his bets and his trust on influential, reliable people, gradually bridging the interpersonal distance with them, if they are useful. Possesses a kind of snobbery, status, and authoritativeness. Needs to have everything better his office, his car, his country house, and so on. A good worker, can manage people and relations within a team. Pragmatic in his approach and good at making calculations. Not inclined to adventurism and to risk. A good politician, feels people well and pulls in the necessary persons. Plays a role of a thoughtful person who is working on some important problem. Dresses with some more restraint than the sensory subtype. Additional Links ---------------- - :doc:`Contact and Inert Subtypes by Meged and Ovcharov ` - :doc:`Subtyping systems and related articles ` - :doc:`Romantic and Sexual Behavior of Quadras and Subtypes `